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Sunday, February 16, 2025


The Weymouth BID project is making good progress. In December the draft project plans booklet and a further explanation of the Weymouth BID process was sent to the 542 businesses included in the BID area.  All businesses in the area with a rateable value over £6,000 will have the opportunity to help restore Weymouth’s prosperity in the face of the economic crisis and the growing competition from surrounding towns and resorts.  Businesses are being asked to help achieve this by voting YES in the Weymouth BID ballot.

The Weymouth BID is being driven by a team of local businesses whoactively support the BID and who provide the valuable resource of their time and experience to help campaign for a Yes Vote.

The Weymouth BID Steering Group :

Name                                 Company


Nigel Reed                         Chair & BID Co-ordinator

Barrie Huett                        Albert Goodman

Brian Cooper                      Resort Marketing

Cherise Luke-Bennett        Battens

Craig Dunkerley                 Merlin Entertainment Sea Life

Rob Jones                          Weymouth College Vice Principal

Chris Reay                         Channel Hotel

Roger Dalton                      HTS Seafood Festival WP Economy Group Chair

Tim Williams                       Wilkinsons

Rob Cole                             The Esplanade Hotel

Anna-Maria Geare               President WP Chamber & Lloyds TSB 

Trevor Hedger                     EDO WPBC BID Support Officer

Sophie Jibet  Kermani          The Dining Room

Joy Sangster                        Dream Cottages

Steve Newstead                   Wetherspoons

Nick Maybour                       Mc Donalds

Cllr Ian Munro Price             WPBC Briefholder

Zoe Wareham                      Weymouth BID administrator  

These are some of their comments :

  1. Name  Brian Cooper
  2. BusinessResort Marketing Ltd
  3. Business website & Tel No. www.resortmarketing.co.uk 01305 770111

       4. Why are you on the Weymouth BID steering group?

            I think it is crucial to the towns future that the BID is established

      5. What do you think the BID will do for Weymouth and your business?

            Improve viability, extend the holiday season and provide us with opportunities

      6. One top tip on why businesses should VOTE YES!

          It’s time to fight back against recession and cuts, the BID will help us do this.

1.   Name                   Sophie Kermani Jibet

2.   Business                               The Dining Room Restaurant

3.   Business website & Tel     www.thediningroomweymouth.co.uk        01305 783008

4.   Why are you on the Weymouth BID steering group?            At a Weymouth Chamber breakfast meeting I was chatting to someone on the Bid Steering group & I thought it was a fantastic idea. I wanted to learn more and represent the many restaurants in Weymouth – all struggling with seasonality & recession. Businesses need to take action to secure a good future for themselves.

5.    What do you think the BID will do for Weymouth and your business?                

The Bid gives business owners a voice and a choice!  The Bid is able to communicate with businesses and collectively direct money, resources and expertise at things everyone believe to be of importance-   helping Weymouth to grow.

6.     One top tip on why businesses should VOTE YES!                

You don’t have to be a business owner to see that Weymouth needs a new direction and serious help! A Yes vote is imperative in giving business owners more say implementing positive change for the benefit of   locals and tourists and of course themselves.  Business owners depend upon tourists & locals visiting their shops, bars, cafes & restaurants. Understanding the requirements needed to enable people to visit their businesses is imperative. Business owners care about an accessible town centre, sensible parking fees, safety etc because it directly affects them. Vote Yes and look forward to a brighter future for Weymouth.

  1. Name: Roger Dalton

       2. Business: Roger Dalton Associates Ltd

       3. Business website & Tel No: www.rogerdaltonassociates.co.uk 07899 978104

       4. Why are you on the Weymouth BID steering group?  

It is the most important opportunity in years for local businesses to make a real difference to the development of the town.

      5. What do you think the BID will do for Weymouth and your businessBID schemes nationally are making a significant impact on their towns and stimulating investment.  If successful, Weymouth BID Ltd will be able to strengthen its positional as one of the top resorts and capitalise on the unique exposure and good will created by the sailing Olympics.

     6. One top tip on why businesses should VOTE YES!

Weymouth levy payers will be able to determine their own business priorities,  monitor their delivery and performance but don’t take my work for it – check out the Falmouth BID or Kingston First to see what is possible!

1    Name :         Rob Cole

2    Business :     The Esplanade Hotel    www.theesplanadehotel.co.uk – 01305 783129

4   Why are you on the Weymouth BID steering group?

I am on the steering committee as I am passionate about seeing my home town succeed.  I am Weymouth born and bred and it upsets me that the town is consistently on the decline.  Some businesses failed during the Olympics, others struggled and others are continuing to struggle.  It is easy to criticise from the sidelines but I feel that I can hopefully lend my business experiences and local passion to help and in time, take the town forward.

5   What do you think the BID will do for Weymouth and your business?

I am hoping that the BID will create a feelgood factor within the businesses of the town and will galvanise a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, enabling them to work together in making Weymouth a place of choice for companies to operate from.  Whether it is assisting in a greater mix of tenant for the high street, or arranging new out of season events to increase visitor numbers, or simply help promote the town in the correct areas, the BID can only be positive for the town.  It will not change over night, slowly as a town we can start to grow again.  Having someone 100% dedicated to work on the town and the goals set can only take the town forward.

6   One top tip on why businesses should VOTE YES!

Voting ‘No’ will only ensure the eventual death of the town.  Voting ‘Yes’ will in time, turn the town around and hopefully make Weymouth a great place to be again.  It is easy to moan, it is harder to do something about it and by voting ‘yes’, is your first chance to do something about it.

A YES vote would generate at least £250,000 a year for 5 years at a time when public funds are reducing. Weymouth BID would aim to attract grants and joint venture schemes to raise further additional funding that has been achieved by other successful BIDs around the UK. The BID will take on the task of implementing the projects set out in the final business plan, but only if enough YES votes are generated in May 2013. 

Nigel Reed, Chairman of Weymouth BID Ltd said “ The Steering Group are a fundamental part of forming the business plan for the BID application, the wide variety of businesses that we have on the Steering Group means that they are accessible to other businesses in similar line of business to themselves.  The more people we get on board to Vote YES for the Weymouth BID will mean more support for the cause and hopefully a positive outcome.”

Businesses are encouraged to register their interest in the Weymouth BID with Nigel Reed on 07557 142906 or email at [email protected] .  More information is available at www.weymouthbid.co.uk.

Follow us on Twitter @Weymouth BID or on Facebook www.facebook.com/WeymouthBID

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