In a show of solidarity with local climate activist groups and a positive demonstration of leadership, Weymouth Town Council are leading the way in Dorset by inviting Extinction Rebellion into their chambers to present the seriousness of the climate and ecological crisis to their staff, councillors and residents.

After Extinction Rebellion hosted three successful people’s assemblies alongside local Transition Towns and Sustainable Dorset in Weymouth, Portland and Dorchester, Weymouth Town Council are now hosting two 45-minute lunchtime talks. Local Extinction Rebellion members will present the latest science about the climate and ecological crisis and help to bring the council and community together on an emergency that is already on our doorstep.

Local resident and member of XR’s presentation team, Gail Quilter, clarifies: “You don’t have to be a liberal tree hugger to care about a change in the climate, all you have to be is a human being living on this planet. Wherever we live, we are already being affected. This isn’t about scaremongering; fear does not motivate us to do something about it, but rational hope will. We need a vision of a better future and to develop that we need to talk about it, together, as a community.”

Extinction Rebellion have hosted a number of these talks in the area at all different times of the day to facilitate as many people as possible and there will be more. What is key about this date is that Weymouth’s Town Council are supporting the communication of the severity of this crisis to their staff, councillors and any member of the general public who wants to join them.

Reverend Brother Alasdair Kay CFC Rector of Wyke Regis attended one of these talks last month: “For a number of years I had been concerned about the environment and had tried to do my bit by recycling, eating less meat, using public transport etc. However, around Christmas last year I became aware that the government was not acting rapidly enough to tackle the emergency. Last month I made the decision to change my car for a hybrid, go vegan, and to check out why Extinction Rebellion were making such a noise. So I went along to the Heading for Extinction talk and in a very calm, reasoned and scientific way the talk led me to the conclusion that as a Parish Priest in a coastal Parish, I needed to take action if I was to follow the command of Jesus to love my neighbour as myself. I have consequently joined Extinction Rebellion and have found it a supportive group of loving people who have a strong conscience when it comes to the environment and their fellow humans. The talk is well constructed and the code of ethics the group lives by is one as a Christian I actively support. I recommend going along and deciding for yourself.

The talks will take place on Wednesday 26th February 12 – 12.45pm and 1.15 – 2pm in the Weymouth Town Council Chambers. All are welcome.

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