Weymouth Town Council would like to express their thanks to the many local volunteers, agencies and charities for their incredible support during the coronavirus pandemic.

Council staff are also working hard to provide support while continuing to carry out Council responsibilities.

The Council are continuing to maintain and keep safe the town’s beach and its many parks and open spaces, while also undertaking the necessary closure of play areas and outdoor gym equipment.

Office staff are working from home and are carrying out many functions including finance, communications, democratic services, administration, and customer services. The first virtual Full Council meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th April at 7pm (the meeting will be live cast on Facebook).

The Town Council’s cleaning team have been providing additional services to the Weymouth Marina to ensure boat owners have access to facilities on site

Work is ongoing with many veteran associations and local event organisers to manage and, where possible, reschedule the town’s events, including: Anzac Day, VE Day 75th Anniversary, Nyetimber Dorset Seafood Festival and many local sports events. Event updates will be issued on a regular basis.

Weymouth Town Council are also supporting Refresh’s Keep in Touch essential aid project. The project supports people in the local area who are in self-isolation by providing deliveries of food essentials and assisting with tasks such as collecting prescriptions. The team are also happy to take calls from those who are just in need of someone to talk to. 15,000 leaflets have been printed to promote this important service.

For food deliveries, please call 07980 730029 or email [email protected]. To access the other services provided by this project, please call 07514 114680.
Cllr Graham Winter, Mayor of Weymouth Town Council, said:
“These are indeed unprecedented times and I would like to express my thanks to Council staff and the many wonderful local organisations and volunteers for their enormous support and commitment during these challenging times. We are working hard to make sure that the community has access to the information and support that they need. Our huge thanks go to our outstanding NHS staff and many key workers throughout the community and the country.”