Every Dorset MP voted last week to cut ESA disability benefit despite being warned by various charities that the cut to the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) WRAG would make it more difficult for disabled people to find work and that many struggled to afford food on the benefit at its current level. It also appears that the House of Lords would have rejected it but were not given the opportunity.
What have Conor Burns; Christopher Chope; Richard Drax; Tobias Ellwood; Simon Hoare; Oliver Letwin; Robert Syms and Michael Tomlinson got against disabled people? Is it their disability? Their lack of productiveness: Their dependency; Their social class position?
Perhaps they could contact Dorset Eye and let the readers know. Perhaps when we see them we could all ask them to account for themselves; Perhaps those that do vote for them might stop.
One person left mystified by the reasons given was Baroness Campbell and judging by the responses by many others she is one of many. Pour them out.
Douglas James
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