Here it is! Forget de Pfeffel and the media’s lies. Here is proof that the NHS is up for sale to Trump’s America and that the US Trade Negotiators won’t allow us to take the most important steps to fight climate change (or even mention in trade agreements the greenhouse gas emissions which are causing global warming and the planet to become uninhabitable!)
Here is a direct quote about the sale of our NHS from the documents that Corbyn held up:
“The USA reserves the right to withdraw all trade, aid and communication upon the non-compliance of the UK to allow open discussions about the sale of all assets within and partnered with the National Health Service.”
And here is a direct quote about the Climate Change/Global Warming issue:
“As of 2015, US Trade Negotiators are bound by Congress not to include mention of greenhouse gas emission reductions in trade agreements.”
So, who do you believe….. the serial liar that is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson….. or, as he would put it, ‘your own lying eyes?!’
Watch this short video from journalist Paul Mason about the secret trade negotiations, our NHS and climate change!
Leaked documents show Tories trying to sell NHS to America
It's all there in black and white – they want the NHS on the table and all mention of climate change banned. My explainer – please watch and share…
Posted by Paul Mason on Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Tom Lane