We invited readers to post their comments about local MP’s. Although mostly negative there are also positives. With the election over this time next week over to you.

Conor Burns Bournemoutn West

Paul Nelson Burns – self serving ‘snout in trough’ debacle over the Navitas wind farm.

Christopher Chope Christchurch

Andy Dunne I’ve sent several emails to Chris Chope but never even got an acknowledgement.
His voting record is horrendous and typically old-school landed gentry Tory, voting for more for those at the top and less for everyone else, and less transparency so we never find out.
He filibustered the act to ban cruel use of wild animals in circuses, and had a reputation for it.

Awful man.

Richard Drax South Dorset

Linda Stevenson Have tried to contact Richard Drax on a number of occasions and sadly nothing more than an acknowledgement and then nothing.

Sue Hogben You’re lucky, I never even got an acknowledgement!

Matt Peaty I drove past the 7,000 acres of the Charnborough Estate, I realised how much Drax has in common with a lad that grew up in a small Shaftesbury council house…yepp that’s the guy that could represent me and understand my concerns…

Denise Wallis Richard Drax  waste of space. never replies to anything

Maley Abbott Richard Drax always replied to my emails with an honesty

Denise Wallis Maley Abbott I had not one reply to several

Tobias Ellwood Bournemouth East

Nic Yader I’d vote for Tobias Ellwood if I was in Bournemouth. After what he did during the Westminster Attack id happily have him looking out for me. What a hero.

Paul Nelson Elwood – how quick we are to forget his “can’t afford to live on £93k as a minister” and then voted against the disability living allowance. 

Simon Hoare North Dorset

Jo Stephen I have met Simon Hoare on a few occassions, one being at the count when he was elected. His answers to emails are often shocking one liners that make no sense and he refuses to explain himself properly. On attending a TTIP debate with our MEP Molly Scott Cato he came unprepared and his arguements were so pathetic he ended up shouting he was anti fracking to garner support (I have this on tape) I should imagine though that he will tow the party line as he does on everything. He appears to be a career politician and is pro fox hunting to boot. North Dorset would be better served by someone who cared about the constituency more than furthering thier career and posting pictures of themselves being important. He did not strike me as being particularly intelligent,, he did however come across as enormously privillaged with little understanding of the working class folk he is supposed to represent.

Oliver Lewin West Dorset 

Doug Chalk Letwin, never strays from the Tory line, never responds to queries, never actually “does” anything, except vote the totally wrong way on serious issues that affect many of his constituents. Oh, and supports hunting wild animals too, disgusting man.He is in the banking business, he doesnt care about anyone.

Letwin said, publicly, only a few months ago (after his mate Cameron gave him his knighthood(pfffft)) that he would stand down before the next general election, but here we are, yet another u-turn now he has another ass to lick.

Jason Cridland To be fair he did say 2020

Doug Chalk Sorry, I find it very difficult, if not impossible to “be fair” to our local MP who tried to fiddle a water pipe under his tennis court through his expenses

Kate Blair Can not say Letwin has impressed me files paperwork in park bins, sends other people’s replies out to other constituents (I think has happened to me twice), views on race dubious, views on Hunting (quotes civil liberties) etc.

Brendan Webster On the doorstep I found constituents to be appreciative of Oliver Letwin. He is obviously a well regarded local MP. I was not canvassing for the Tories at the time.

Michelle Lloyd Isn’t Letwin the one who wants the children’s ward at county hosp moved to Poole ? ( who in turn r moving their children’s stuff to Bournemouth ?)

Vicki Slade I believe the children’s unit is planned to go to Yeovil, and Poole to go to Bournemouth, so if you live in Purbeck you are too far from anywhere

Michelle Lloyd Vikki Slade Blandford just as bad- not good for toddlers with croup or other nasties like it. As for the travel involved once the child is admitted, that’s going to be horrendous for many families

Michelle Lloyd I think we can safely say he’s very out of touch with people

Robert Syms Poole

Nick Gillott  Corresponded with Syms on several occaisions. He’s just a Tory drone & will follow whatever is the central party line.

Michael Tomlinson Mid Dorset and North Poole

Joanne Oldale Shocking voting records. Tomlinson voted against accepting children from Syria.

Doug Chalk: 

I would suggest people look up the way these MPs have voted on important issues before blindly voting some of them back into their positions as our representatives.

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