Why are some people supporting a Prime Minister who incites race hatred?


There is this: https://dorseteye.com/boris-blatant-racism-at-tory-conference/

And this: https://dorseteye.com/the-msm-mostly-ignore-tory-racism-but-the-independent-media-certainly-will-not/

And this: https://dorseteye.com/tory-racism-part-8000/

And of course this: https://dorseteye.com/bigotry-xenophobia-islamophobia-and-racism-is-coming-from-the-top-down-in-the-conservative-party/

And many many more….

But nothing in the Tory party suggests it will get any better. In fact if Boris Johnson and the Tories win the next election many are arguing that the hate will propel the country towards violence and bloodshed….

Douglas James

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