In earlier articles in this series, we discussed the function and form of morality.

We discussed freedom, and how personal autonomy and equal entitlement are fundamental moral rights.

We talked about what morality is for – and suggested it is a tool, an algorithm, or a kind of machine.

We discussed life as a basis for moral authority—a commitment to and reverence for the very essence of who we are.

We said that with THIS form, THIS function, and THIS commitment, the scope of what morality can say is fairly well defined.

No aggregate of words can be attributed to morality.

Morality’s function and form must be complied with by any guidance that claims to be moral.

Twisting the truth

Only words that affirm life, freedom, a right to equal treatment, and equality of opportunity can be considered genuine expressions of morality. Truth-twisters may contort language as much as they wish, but morality will never tell you it’s good to harm other living creatures, exert unequal power over others, or deprive innocents of their freedom. Morality will always tell you that to kill an innocent who does not wish to die is wrong, that slavery is wrong, and that having great wealth while others suffer deprivation is wrong.

This guidance isn’t arbitrary. It can be deduced straightforwardly from the nature and function of morality. Morality is a universal sentience unification system – and any such system has to offer guidance with the capacity to cross all borders and unify autonomous sentients of all kinds.

But why?

Having said all this, a critical question remains to be answered.

No matter what morality is and no matter what it says, why should we be moral?

Just because you accept that life is a compelling source of moral authority, and just because you recognise the features of morality that we have discussed, this does not mean you have to be moral.  It does not – and cannot – mean you have no choice. After all, it is a necessary characteristic of morality that you are free.

As autonomous beings, morality is an option for us. One of many.

Why is it an option we should choose?

A tautology

Some people say the question of why we should be moral answers itself.

We should be moral simply because it’s the right thing to do.

To suggest you need a reason for being moral demeans your integrity. It cheapens why you’re being moral. You should be moral for morality’s sake.

For me, this answer is lacking.

“Be moral because it’s moral to be moral” comes across as pretty circular. It would be like answering the question “Why use the scientific method?” with “Because it’s the scientific way of doing things,” and “Why should I do things the scientific way?” with “Because that’s the scientific method.”

Self-interest and others

There are other, better answers.

Mostly, these come in two forms:

???? Because it’s in your self-interest


???? Because it’s in all our interest

And there’s a rarer, third form:

???? Because you want to, out of compassion or love

In my view, there’s no reason not to use a combination of all these forms. After all, if morality is a universal sentience unification system, then it has to have a wide basis for its appeal. We need reasons to be moral which are able to convince the widest possible range of temperaments and minds.


So, in answer to the question, ‘Why be moral?’ I’d like to put forward a selection of reasons, in no specific order, and which is by no means a complete list, but which, in combination, seem persuasive to me.

Reasons to be moral

How about these?

    • i.    Because morality is an essential survival factor for our species.
    • ii.   Because if you treat other people ethically it encourages them to do the same, to the benefit of us all.
    • iii.  Because morality helps civilisations cohere.
    • iv.  Because morality gives us a framework in which we can trust other people and they can trust us.
    • v.   Because if you act morally toward others, they are more likely to act morally toward you.
    • vi.  Because morality gives us a purpose which is greater than our own petty impulses and desires.
    • vii.  Because it feels good to be part of something greater than ourselves.
        viii. Because morality affirms our connection to all other rational autonomous sentients.

Or these:

    • ix.   Because compassion and kindness sit right with you.
      x.    Because the idea of integrity appeals to you.
  • xi.   Because being honest, decent and compassionate is good for your self-esteem.xii.   Because you don’t want to be greedy, selfish or dishonest – and morality shows us how to avoid those things.xiii.  Because you want what’s best for us all more than just what’s best for you.
  • xiv.  Because, for you, other people matter too.

    xv.   Because all living creatures matter to you.

  • xvi.  Because morality connects you to all of life.

    xvii. Because you love our beautiful biological world and want it to thrive.

And there’s more:

    • xviii. Because morality offers us a tool for peaceful interaction with other communities, other nations, other cultures.
    • xix.   Because morality offers us a route to peaceful interaction with other sentient species, genetically enhanced intelligences and autonomous, intelligent AI.
    • xx.   Because morality gives us a shield against the propaganda and lies of self-serving politicians and rapacious corporations.
    • xxi.  Because morality gives us a measure by which to assess the claims and suggestions of others.
    • xxii.  Because morality offers us a rational and humane basis for our actions.
        xxiii. Because morality gives us a sense of centredness and purpose in an increasingly chaotic world.

And last but by no means least:

        xxiv. Because you want your children to inherit a fairer, happier world.



There you have it. As a rational, autonomous person I find these reasons compelling. Why wouldn’t I choose to adopt a sentience unification system if it’s better for us all while also offering me a sense of connection and self-respect?

Why wouldn’t I wish to be moral and urge others to be moral if it’s an antidote to the appalling chaotic mess and potential self-destruction humanity is constructing for itself?

Why wouldn’t I commit myself to sustaining and nurturing all living things, and life itself, when life is at the very heart of what I am?

It makes sense to me.

Both selfishly and selflessly, I’m convinced of the need for our universal sentience unification system.

And, for these same reasons, I commend it to you.

Luke Andreski

Luke Andreski is a founding member of the @EthicalRenewal and Ethical Intelligence collectives. His books include Intelligent Ethics (2019), Ethical Intelligence (2019), Short Conversations: During The Plague (2020) and Short Conversations: During the Storm (2021).

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