Former Editor of Murdoch’s now defunct ‘News of the World’ tabloid, Piers Morgan is utterly obsessed with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
(Below are just some of the attack articles he has personally written, while actual news goes unreported. *We aren’t Monarchists, but there’s a media angle here)

Since they announced they were taking a step back from senior royal life on Wednesday evening – partly due to people like Piers Morgan – Morgan has tweeted about them 43 times, placing the blame mostly on Meghan – like the rest of the UK tabloids.

He has denied the racial attacks on Meghan by sections of the UK media exist. He has also suggested that Harry, whose mother died in a car crash whilst being chased by paparazzi when he was 12, is “not so ‘tortured’ when he & Meghan regularly use the press to promote themselves.”

In the past 36 hours he has personally compared the couple to Putin and said they should be ‘torched’, that they have lost their minds, and also suggested Meghan had castrated Harry and “split” him from William – all without evidence or justification. He wonders why they wish to leave. Who would hang around while the UK Press devote their time to cultivating your image as a hate figure? (just as they did with Corbyn).
Morgan is just one of these hacks.

Harry has recently brought charges of phone hacking against two of Morgan’s former employers, The Sun and The Mirror.

Morgan is a representative of ITV as one of the anchors on their morning show, and was implicated in the phone hacking scandal which triggered the Leveson inquiry.

In the official findings of the Leveson Inquiry, Lord Justice Leveson said that Morgan’s testimony under oath on phone hacking was “utterly unpersuasive”. He said that the evidence clearly proved that he was aware that the hacking of voicemails was taking place, and that he was sufficiently unembarrassed by what was criminal behaviour that he was prepared to joke about it.

The Daily Politik

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