In the complex tapestry of global politics, expressions of faith often transcend political boundaries. Political leaders from various ideological spectrums frequently reference their ‘religious beliefs’, thanking God in public statements. However, whether it is existing beliefs or an attempt to win over others who claim to believe is much more pertinent. As is the suggestion that politicians who lie, corrupt, sexually abuse, blackmail and often kill would in any way be protected by a god. This is not only the case for Donald Trump but many politicians, not just those appointed to lead.

Let us take a look at just a few and then observe their records while in power and ask ‘would any self respecting deity really get behind this?’.

Barack Obama – Progressive Liberalism

Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, is known for his progressive liberal stance. Despite advocating for policies often associated with secularism, such as pro-choice legislation, Obama has consistently expressed his Christian faith. In his farewell address, he said, “I am asking you to believe. Not in my ability to bring about change — but in yours. I am asking you to hold fast to that faith written into our founding documents; that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists; that spirit sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice. That creed reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon; a creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written: Yes, we can. Yes, we did. Yes, we can. Thank you. God bless you. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.”

Would ‘God’ really approve?

1. Drone Strikes and Civilian Casualties

One of the most controversial aspects of Obama’s military strategy was the extensive use of drone strikes, particularly in countries like Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. These strikes targeted terrorist leaders and operatives but often resulted in significant civilian casualties. Critics argue that the loss of innocent lives, including children, is a grave moral issue. According to various reports, hundreds of civilians were killed during these operations, raising questions about the ethics of such military tactics.

Case in Point: In 2016, a leaked document known as the “Drone Papers” revealed that during a five-month period, nearly 90% of people killed in drone strikes were not the intended targets. Such revelations fuel the argument that the drone program, despite its intentions, resulted in unacceptable levels of collateral damage.

2. Libya Intervention

In 2011, Obama led a NATO intervention in Libya aimed at protecting civilians during the Libyan Civil War and ultimately resulted in the overthrow and death of Muammar Gaddafi. While the intervention was initially presented as a humanitarian mission, it led to significant instability in the region. Libya descended into chaos, with rival militias and terrorist groups gaining power. The resulting anarchy and violence have caused immense suffering among the Libyan population, raising questions about the long-term consequences of military interventions.

Humanitarian Crisis: The power vacuum left by Gaddafi’s ousting has contributed to a severe humanitarian crisis, including widespread violence, human trafficking, and a deteriorating economy. Critics argue that the intervention, despite its intentions, exacerbated the plight of ordinary Libyans.

3. Syria and the Fight Against ISIS

Obama’s strategy against ISIS involved a combination of airstrikes, special operations, and support for local ground forces in Syria and Iraq. While these efforts were successful in significantly weakening ISIS, they also resulted in substantial civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure. The prolonged conflict has led to immense human suffering, displacement of millions of people, and a severe refugee crisis.

Civilian Impact: Airstrikes in densely populated areas, intended to target ISIS militants, often resulted in civilian deaths and injuries. The destruction of homes, schools, and hospitals further compounded the humanitarian impact.

4. Yemen and Support for Saudi Arabia

Under Obama’s administration, the United States provided logistical and intelligence support to Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in Yemen. The Saudi-led coalitions’ airstrikes have been heavily criticised for causing widespread civilian casualties and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The conflict has led to thousands of deaths, widespread famine, and one of the worst humanitarian crises in recent history.

Famine and Disease: The blockade and bombing of ports and infrastructure have severely restricted access to food, clean water, and medical supplies, contributing to widespread famine and outbreaks of diseases like cholera.

Ethical and Moral Considerations

Critics argue that these military actions contradict the ethical and moral teachings of many religious doctrines, which emphasise the sanctity of human life, peace, and the importance of justice. From a religious perspective, the following points are often raised:

  1. Sanctity of Life:
    • The loss of innocent lives in drone strikes and bombing campaigns is seen as a violation of the principle that all human life is sacred and should be protected.
  2. Peace and Reconciliation:
    • Military interventions and the resulting chaos often undermine efforts towards peace and reconciliation, which are central tenets of many religious teachings.
  3. Justice and Accountability:
    • The lack of transparency and accountability in these operations is viewed as unjust, as the families of civilian victims rarely receive justice or acknowledgment of their suffering.

Theresa May – Conservative Ideology

Theresa May, the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and leader of the Conservative Party, has often spoken about her Christian faith influencing her political decisions. Known for her traditional conservative views, particularly on issues like Brexit, she has never shied away from expressing gratitude to God. During her resignation speech, she said, “I will shortly leave the job that it has been the honour of my life to hold — the second female prime minister but certainly not the last. I do so with no ill will, but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country I love. I thank God for the honour.”

Would ‘God’ really approve?

1. Hostile Environment Immigration Policy

One of the most controversial aspects of May’s tenure as Home Secretary and Prime Minister was the “hostile environment” policy aimed at reducing illegal immigration. This policy led to the Windrush scandal, where long-term legal residents from the Caribbean were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation, and, in some cases, deported. Critics argue that the policy was inhumane and unjust, disproportionately affecting vulnerable individuals and families.

Moral and Religious Concerns: Many religious teachings, including Christian principles, emphasize compassion, justice, and the humane treatment of all individuals. The harsh treatment of immigrants under this policy is seen as a violation of these principles, causing unnecessary suffering and distress.

2. Austerity Measures

During May’s tenure, the UK government continued with austerity measures aimed at reducing the national deficit. These measures included significant cuts to public services, social welfare, and local government funding. Critics argue that austerity disproportionately affected the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, leading to increased poverty, homelessness, and reliance on food banks.

Impact on the Poor and Vulnerable: Religious doctrines often stress the importance of caring for the poor and vulnerable. The adverse effects of austerity measures on these groups could be seen as contradictory to the ethical obligation to support those in need.

3. Brexit Negotiations and National Division

May’s handling of the Brexit negotiations led to deep political and social divisions within the UK. The process was marked by political infighting, public protests, and economic uncertainty. Critics argue that the prolonged and contentious negotiations contributed to national discord and instability.

Call for Unity and Reconciliation: Religious teachings frequently advocate for unity, peace, and reconciliation. The divisive nature of the Brexit process and the resulting societal tensions could be viewed as contrary to these values.

4. Human Rights and Welfare Policies

Under May’s leadership, certain welfare reforms and changes to disability benefits were implemented, which critics argue led to hardship for many recipients. Reports of increased stress, financial difficulty, and deteriorating mental health among those affected highlight concerns about the adequacy and fairness of these policies.

Ethical Treatment of Individuals: Ensuring the fair and compassionate treatment of all individuals, particularly the disabled and disadvantaged, is a core tenet of many religious and ethical systems. Policies that exacerbate the difficulties faced by these groups can be seen as morally problematic.

5. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

The UK’s continued arms sales to Saudi Arabia during May’s tenure, despite evidence of their use in the Yemen conflict, sparked significant controversy. The conflict in Yemen has resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, with widespread civilian casualties and suffering.

Complicity in Conflict and Suffering: Providing arms to a party involved in a conflict that results in substantial civilian suffering can be viewed as complicit in that suffering. Many religious and moral frameworks would critique actions that contribute to violence and humanitarian crises.

Narendra Modi – Hindu Nationalism

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, represents the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its ideology of Hindu nationalism. Modi’s speeches often reflect his deep Hindu faith. After his victory in the 2019 general elections, Modi addressed a rally in Varanasi, a city sacred to Hindus, saying, “I bow to the 1.3 billion people of India. I bow to the Almighty for blessing us with this historic victory. I thank God for the strength and wisdom He has given us to steer the nation towards a brighter future.”

Would ‘God’ really approve?

1. Religious Polarisation and Communal Violence

One of the most significant criticisms of Modi’s tenure is the perceived increase in religious polarisation and communal violence. Critics argue that the BJP, under Modi’s leadership, has exacerbated tensions between Hindu and Muslim communities. Incidents such as the 2002 Gujarat riots, during which Modi was the Chief Minister, and more recent events like the Delhi riots in 2020, have raised concerns about the government’s role in protecting minority communities.

Impact on Religious Harmony: Religious teachings across faiths emphasize peace, compassion, and harmony among different communities. Policies or actions that lead to religious violence and discrimination are seen as contrary to these principles, potentially invoking divine displeasure.

2. Treatment of Minority Communities

Modi’s government has faced allegations of marginalising minority communities, particularly Muslims. The implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the proposed National Register of Citizens (NRC) have been criticised for discriminating against Muslims. Critics argue that these measures undermine the secular fabric of India and violate the principles of equality and justice.

Ethical and Moral Concerns: Many religious doctrines advocate for the fair and just treatment of all individuals, regardless of their background. Policies perceived as discriminatory or exclusionary can be viewed as morally wrong and against divine principles of justice and equality.

3. Suppression of Dissent

Under Modi’s leadership, there has been growing concern about the suppression of dissent and the erosion of democratic freedoms. Journalists, activists, and critics of the government have faced intimidation, legal challenges, and imprisonment. The use of sedition laws and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) to stifle dissent has been widely criticised.

Importance of Freedom and Justice: Freedom of expression and the right to dissent are fundamental to a just and fair society. Suppressing these freedoms is seen as unjust and unethical, potentially displeasing a deity that values truth and justice.

4. Economic Policies and Impact on the Poor

While Modi’s economic policies have aimed at transforming India’s economy, initiatives like demonetisation and the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) have had mixed results. Critics argue that these policies disproportionately affected the poor and small businesses, causing significant economic hardship for many.

Caring for the Poor and Vulnerable: Religious teachings often stress the importance of caring for the poor and vulnerable. Economic policies that lead to increased hardship for these groups can be seen as contrary to divine principles of compassion and care.

5. Environmental Policies

Modi’s government has been criticised for prioritising industrial and infrastructural development over environmental protection. Critics argue that the relaxation of environmental regulations and the push for rapid development have led to deforestation, pollution, and environmental degradation, affecting biodiversity and the health of communities.

Stewardship of the Earth: Many religious beliefs emphasize the importance of caring for the environment and being good stewards of the earth. Policies that lead to environmental destruction and harm to creation can be viewed as displeasing to a deity concerned with the well-being of the planet.

Angela Merkel – Christian Democratic Union

Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany until 2021, led the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), a centre-right political party. Merkel’s Lutheran faith has been a guiding force in her political career. At the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Merkel stated, “I am grateful to God for the guidance and wisdom He has provided throughout my political journey. May we continue to seek His blessing in our efforts to foster peace and justice in the world.”

Would ‘God’ really approve?

1. Support for Austerity Measures in the EU

Merkel’s support for stringent austerity measures during the Eurozone crisis, particularly in countries like Greece, has been heavily criticised. The austerity policies, which included severe cuts to public spending and social services, led to significant economic hardship for many individuals in affected countries.

Impact on the Poor and Vulnerable: Religious and moral doctrines often emphasize the importance of caring for the poor and vulnerable. Critics argue that the austerity measures disproportionately affected the most vulnerable, leading to increased poverty, unemployment, and social instability, which could be seen as contrary to these principles.

2. Environmental Policies

While Merkel has been lauded for her role in promoting renewable energy and environmental protection, her government has also faced criticism for its reliance on coal and the slow pace of phasing out fossil fuels. Additionally, Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear power following the Fukushima disaster in Japan led to an increased reliance on coal in the short term, which has negative environmental impacts.

Stewardship of the Earth: Many religious beliefs emphasise the importance of environmental stewardship and protecting the earth. Critics might argue that insufficient action on climate change and reliance on coal power could be seen as failing to uphold these values.

3. Handling of the Eurozone Crisis

Merkel’s role in the Eurozone crisis and the subsequent bailout packages for struggling economies, while stabilising the Eurozone, also imposed harsh economic conditions on recipient countries. Critics argue that these measures led to significant social and economic pain for ordinary citizens in countries like Greece, Spain, and Portugal.

Justice and Fairness: Religious teachings often stress justice and fairness. The perception that the bailout conditions were excessively harsh and led to widespread suffering could be seen as a failure to uphold these principles.

4. Military Involvement and Arms Exports

Merkel’s government has been criticised for Germany’s role in international military operations and its arms exports. Germany’s participation in military missions and the export of weapons to conflict zones have raised ethical concerns about the country’s complicity in global conflicts.

Promotion of Peace: Many religious doctrines advocate for peace and the resolution of conflicts without violence. Critics argue that involvement in military actions and arms exports contradict these teachings and contribute to global instability and suffering.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan – Islamist Conservatism

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey, is a leading figure in the Justice and Development Party (AKP), which aligns with Islamist conservatism. Erdoğan frequently invokes Islamic references and thanks Allah in his speeches. After surviving a coup attempt in 2016, he declared, “We will continue our path in the framework of democratic parliamentary principles. We will remain committed to this path. I thank Allah for this great nation, for His protection, and for His guidance.”

Would ‘God’ really approve?

1. Suppression of Political Dissent

One of the most significant criticisms of Erdoğan’s leadership is his crackdown on political dissent. Since the failed coup attempt in 2016, his government has arrested tens of thousands of people, including journalists, academics, politicians, and ordinary citizens, on charges of terrorism and involvement in the coup. This widespread crackdown is seen as a serious infringement on freedom of expression and human rights.

Importance of Justice and Freedom: Many religious teachings emphasize the importance of justice, freedom, and the fair treatment of individuals. The suppression of dissent and the violation of human rights are seen as contrary to these principles, potentially invoking divine displeasure.

2. Erosion of Democratic Institutions

Erdoğan has been accused of undermining Turkey’s democratic institutions by consolidating power and diminishing the independence of the judiciary, media, and other critical institutions. The 2017 constitutional referendum, which expanded presidential powers, is seen by critics as a move towards authoritarianism.

Respect for Democratic Principles: Religious and moral frameworks often stress the importance of justice, transparency, and accountability in governance. Actions that erode democratic institutions and concentrate power can be viewed as contrary to these values.

3. Treatment of Minority Groups

Under Erdoğan’s administration, there have been numerous reports of discrimination and violence against minority groups, particularly Kurds. The government’s military operations against Kurdish groups, both within Turkey and in neighbouring Syria, have resulted in significant civilian casualties and displacement.

Compassion and Protection for All: Many religious doctrines emphasize compassion, protection of the vulnerable, and equal treatment of all people. Policies and actions that result in the marginalisation and suffering of minority groups are seen as violating these principles.

4. Media Censorship and Control

Erdoğan’s government has been heavily criticised for its control over the media. Numerous media outlets have been shut down, and journalists have been imprisoned for critical reporting. This censorship restricts free speech and limits the public’s access to information.

Truth and Transparency: Religious teachings often hold truth and transparency in high regard. The suppression of free speech and media control are seen as hindering these values, leading to misinformation and a lack of accountability.

5. Foreign Military Interventions

Erdoğan has been involved in several military interventions in Syria and Iraq, ostensibly to combat terrorism and protect national security. These interventions have led to significant civilian casualties and displacement, raising ethical concerns about their humanitarian impact.

Peace and Non-Violence: Many religious beliefs advocate for peace and the minimisation of violence. Military interventions that result in civilian suffering and destabilisation of regions can be viewed as contrary to these principles.

6. Economic Policies and Corruption Allegations

While Erdoğan has overseen significant economic growth, his administration has also faced allegations of corruption and mismanagement. Economic policies have sometimes led to inflation, currency devaluation, and increased economic disparity, affecting the livelihoods of ordinary citizens.

Fairness and Integrity: Economic justice and integrity are important tenets in many religious and moral frameworks. Allegations of corruption and policies that exacerbate economic inequality can be seen as failing to uphold these values.

Donald Trump – Christian Conservatism

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is a political figure known for his distinctive style and controversial policies. Despite his often brash demeanor and secular approach to politics, Trump has frequently expressed gratitude to God in his public statements. This aspect of his rhetoric resonates with his significant base of evangelical Christian supporters.

Faith in Speeches and Public Statements

Throughout his presidency, Donald Trump made numerous references to God, particularly in contexts that align with traditional American values and patriotism. His speeches often intertwined national identity with religious faith, a tactic that reinforced his appeal to religious conservatives.

Inauguration Speech (January 20, 2017): During his inaugural address, Trump invoked God’s blessing on the country, stating: “The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable. There should be no fear – we are protected, and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God. Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action – constantly complaining but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action. Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again. We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries, and technologies of tomorrow. A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions. It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots. We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American Flag. And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator. So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words: You will never be ignored again. Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way. Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together, we will make America great again. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.”

State of the Union Address (February 4, 2020): In one of his State of the Union addresses, Trump said: “We must always keep faith in America’s destiny – that one nation, under God, must be the hope and the promise and the light and the glory among all the nations of the world. We will renew our commitment to the values that have always defined America. Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America.”

Thanksgiving Proclamation (November 23, 2020): Trump’s Thanksgiving proclamations often included religious references. In 2020, he stated: “On Thanksgiving Day, we thank God for the abundant blessings in our lives, for our freedom, and for the love of our families. We also acknowledge God’s providence in the journey of our great nation and ask Him to watch over and protect the United States of America.”

Interaction with Evangelical Christians

Trump’s presidency saw a significant alignment with evangelical Christian leaders and communities. He frequently attended events and rallies where religious leaders laid hands on him and prayed for his success and guidance. This relationship was mutually beneficial; evangelical leaders appreciated Trump’s policies on issues like abortion, religious freedom, and conservative judicial appointments, while Trump benefited from their substantial support base.

Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference (June 2019): At this conference, Trump acknowledged the support of religious leaders and expressed his gratitude: “I want to thank our great evangelical leaders for their support. It’s incredible. You’ve been with me from the beginning, and I will always be with you. I thank God for the guidance He has provided and for the strength to continue fighting for the values we hold dear.”

2024 Republican Convention: Trump thanks God for saving him from a reported assassination attempt.

Would ‘God’ really approve?

1. Dishonesty and Misinformation

One of the most frequent criticisms of Trump is his tendency to spread misinformation and make false statements. Fact-checkers have documented thousands of false or misleading claims made by Trump during his presidency. This pattern of dishonesty is seen as deeply problematic from a moral standpoint.

Importance of Truth: Many religious teachings emphasise the importance of truth and honesty. Deliberately spreading falsehoods and misleading information is seen as a violation of these principles, potentially invoking divine disapproval.

2. Divisive Rhetoric and Incitement

Trump’s rhetoric has often been divisive, particularly regarding race, immigration, and political opponents. His comments and actions have been accused of inciting violence and deepening societal divisions. The Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, is a notable example where his words were seen as encouraging violent actions.

Call for Peace and Unity: Religious and moral frameworks frequently stress the importance of promoting peace, unity, and reconciliation. Rhetoric that incites violence and exacerbates divisions is contrary to these values and could be seen as displeasing to God.

3. Treatment of Immigrants and Refugees

Trump’s immigration policies, such as the travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries and the separation of children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border, have been widely criticised as inhumane and unjust. These policies have caused significant suffering and trauma for many individuals and families.

Compassion for the Stranger: Many religious traditions advocate for the compassionate treatment of immigrants and refugees. Policies that result in suffering and harsh treatment of these groups are viewed as violating the moral obligation to care for the stranger and the vulnerable.

4. Personal Conduct and Ethical Issues

Trump’s personal conduct, including accusations of sexual misconduct, infidelity, and vulgar language, has been a subject of controversy. These behaviours are seen as inconsistent with the moral and ethical standards upheld by many religious traditions.

Moral Integrity: Religious teachings often place a high value on moral integrity and ethical behavior. Actions and behaviors that are seen as morally questionable or unethical can be viewed as contrary to divine principles and expectations.

5. Environmental Policies

Trump’s administration rolled back numerous environmental protections, withdrew from the Paris Agreement, and promoted fossil fuel industries. Critics argue that these actions have harmed the environment and ignored the urgent need to address climate change.

Stewardship of Creation: Many religious beliefs emphasise the responsibility to care for the environment and protect God’s creation. Policies that degrade the environment and contribute to climate change are seen as failing to uphold this sacred duty.

6. Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic has been widely criticised. His downplaying of the virus’s severity, promotion of unproven treatments, and inconsistent messaging are seen as contributing to unnecessary suffering and death.

Value of Human Life: The value and sanctity of human life are central to many religious teachings. Inadequate responses to a public health crisis that result in preventable loss of life and suffering are viewed as morally and ethically problematic.

As we can see from the above examples ‘God’ has become a way of further manipulating partisan audiences to support and vote for politicians. There is no uniformity. They are contrasting voices claiming that the supernatural is on their side. No evidence. No substance to their claims. Just hope that enough people are stupid enough to fall for it. And empirically we know that many are stupid enough.

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