Wimborne Methodist Church has received a makeover with the help of a £30,000 grant from Talbot Village Trust.
The ground-floor area of the church in King Street has been refurbished, featuring new furniture, improved access for elderly and disabled visitors and modern wiring to replace the original 1967 electrical installation.
Overall the work cost £128,000 with £30,000 coming from the grant giving charity to ensure that the church is able to continue welcoming church members for Sunday worship, daily morning prayers, a mid-week Holy Communion service and monthly Women’s Fellowship meetings. Additionally, the church has been able to start a weekly after school club since the work was completed, as well as continuing to play host to a range of external organisations including the U3A, Rainbows, and a Pilates group.
Revd Gwyneth Owen said: “We are extremely grateful to Talbot Village Trust for their generous donation to help us continue to welcome in visitors of all ages from the weekly parent and toddler group, and weekly club for adults with learning and physical needs, through to the weekly cooked lunches for the elderly.
“The morning coffee lounges continue to thrive and attendees enjoy the light décor which now compares favourably to the modern coffee shops in the town.
“As we move forward, we hope to generate an increase in usage of the church by schools, local community groups and other organisations. We particularly wish to appeal to children and young people in the area to provide a safe and welcoming environment to support families.”
Russell Lucas-Rowe, Trustee of Talbot Village Trust said: “We are so pleased to hear how Wimborne Methodist Church is thriving following the refurbishment works. It is a popular location for churchgoers and members of the community to come together under one roof and we are sure that it will continue to go from strength to strength over the coming years.”
Talbot Village Trust meets biannually, and will be accepting applications for funding from both previous and new applicants in the area before the Trustees meet in autumn of this year.
Please go to www.talbotvillagetrust.org for more information.