It is my personal belief that WWIII has been underway since 9/11 & the objective is to eradicate the enemies of Zionist Capitalism, enslave what remains of the human population & establish the fascist control mechanism of the New World Order. The plan has been underway for at least 100 years & is on schedule.
The so called terrorists are Freedom Fighters & the real global terrorists are UK, USA & Israel leading the rest of the world by the short & curlies To expect the Zionist Capitalist Governments of those three countries to deviate from their long term plans & show a bit of humanity, is like asking for the Devil himself to give up Hell. It will never happen willingly.
We have to recognise that we have been enslaved & misused by generations of manipulative & parasitical psychopathic PREDATORS who strongly believe themselves superior to us.
We have no choice, if we have real love for life in our hearts,
but to become Freedom Fighters ourselves & control this beast from within.
The whole of humanity is depending on us to have the courage to do this.
Frances Leader