Zionist campaigner in the UK thanks spies… and attacks Christianity in bizarre Hanukkah celebration



‘Joe Glasman, Head of Political and Government Investigations for the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) films himself admitting that there has indeed been a coordinated effort to interfere with British democracy in order to stop Jeremy Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister.

The CAA has charity status and is therefore barred from participating in party politics. The CAA, together with the JLM, were behind the submission to the EHRC against the Labour Party.

Mr Glasman is the brother of Maurice, Baron Glasman, founder of Blue Labour. Originally uploaded to Vimeo, Mr Glasman has made this video private but we have obtained the original 8 mins long footage.’ (Momentum Barnet).


Yet again the orchestrated attacks on democracy by a bunch of religious zealots has been exposed. And here we have a Jewish zionist living in the UK attacking the state religion of the country he resides in and revealing that he and many others sought to impose the fantasy world of organised religion on to the democratic process of the country.

By weaponising a religion and then creating half truths and propaganda to alienate a political leader they have defeated an unintended target and aligned themselves with an apartheid system. Corbynism will now over time get stronger but those who stood against antisemitism where it really resides will now think twice.

Decency was defeated in the short term but decency will prevail in the long term when these trolls and the activists of deceit have long since passed away.

Douglas James and David Hitchens


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