The action was on a series of National Days of Action called by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) for a boycott of Barclays Bank.

Barclays is bankrolling Israel’s genocidal assault on Palestinians through its financial ties with arms companies that sell weapons to Israel. PSC released new research this month that found that Barclays now invests over £2 billion in, and provides financial services worth £6.1 billion to, companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its attacks on Palestinians.

After the protest a rally was held with speakers. 

Naira, a student at a local school, read a poem entitled “How Do I Explain?” describing the impact of the death and destruction in Gaza on her and those around her.

Another activist, Jo, raised the issue of LGBTQ rights and Pride, currently being celebrated across the country, and the attacks on Gaza: 

“Up and down the country, groups and campaigns are pulling out of Pride parades funded by companies complicit in the genocide of the Palestinian people. We say loudly and clearly, ‘There is no Pride in genocide’. There is no place for corporations rainbow washing their crimes in Pride”.

Rob Ferguson, secretary of DPSC told the protestors:

“They have tried to silence our voices during the election but they have not succeeded. Protests are taking place today across Britain. Glastonbury is full of Palestinian flags and chants of Free Palestine!” Two days after the election on 6 Julythere will be the first National Demonstration under the new government! The message will be loud and clear – We will not stop. We will not rest!”

PSC are calling on concerned people to boycott all Barclays services until the bank ends its complicity in Israel’s attacks on Palestinians.

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