Weymouth BID has approached Weymouth & Portland Borough Council with an offer to open the ground floor office of the Weymouth BID office in St Alban Street Weymouth as the WE ARE WEYMOUTH TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE.

Weymouth BID has offered the Council exclusive use of the ground floor office premises to be used as a Tourist Information Centre.  The office will need to be manned by volunteers and Weymouth BID has asked the Council for support in this area.  The new Tourist Information Centre will be able to host leaflets, tourist information, posters, maps and other materials for visitors to the town. The Centre will also be a control point for the We Are Weymouth “Weyfarers” who will be there to meet and greet the 35,000 cruise ship passengers who are scheduled to arrive in Weymouth this year.

Nigel Reed, Manager of Weymouth BID said “ Weymouth needs a Tourist Information Centre – it is something that Weymouth has needed for a long time and now that other  TIC ventures appear to have fallen by the wayside, the BID have taken action by offering the ground floor offices to the local authority.  The fascia of the office in St Alban Street will be repainted with the WE ARE WEYMOUTH branding.  The success of the Tourist Information Centre will be down to the number of volunteers that step forward to man the front desk.  We will be giving training and support to the volunteers so I would encourage anyone who is interested to contact me as soon as possible”.

The We Are Weymouth brand has gone from strength to strength with the WeAreWeymouth.co.uk website attracting over 100% more visitors in 2017 than it did in 2016.

The reach of the Facebook page regularly exceeds 50,000 each week, with 16,000 people following the WeAreWeymouth Facebook page.  On average the website attracts 20,000 visits to the website every month.

David Lakins, Owner of Key Multimedia in Poundbury who are Digital Marketing consultants to Weymouth BID said “We have been working with the WeAreWeymouth brand since September 2015 and during that time we have seen meteoric growth in both visitor numbers and engagement to the site.  Having relevant, eye catching content and stories in blogs on the website plus posts on the facebook page really helps to grow the audience and encourage visitors to Weymouth, which is one of the main aims of the Weymouth BID business plan”.

 It is hoped that the We Are Weymouth Tourist Information Centre will be fully operational by the start of the Summer season.

For more information visit www.weareweymouth.co.uk or call 01305 779410.

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