I have gathered information about fracking for the past few years and now I have ordered it into categories for the use of our anti-fracking groups and the lawyers I work with in Denmark and the UK. Please feel free to download and make use of this material any way you like, learn from it, share it or publish it.
and please forward this information to your network. Thankyou.
Kind regards
Elizabeth Thomsen
Art Director, awarded filmmaker and activist
I have succesfully contributed to dealing with the challenge of problematic projects and industries including fracking in both Denmark and in the UK during the past 20 years. My most recent project was to bring together lawyers and activists from Denmark and UK and I raised £7500 over a weekend to a legal initiative which still plays a part in getting a ban on fracking in Denmark.
Business: www.ravenseyemedia.com
Anti-fracking projects:
Email: [email protected]
Phone UK: 0754328199
Phone Denmark: 0045 60517183