Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is calling on its members to consider becoming a governor and have a say in the future of local health services.
Elections are being held for the Council of Governors in several constituencies and the Trust is keen to hear from members who would like to stand as candidates.
To nominate yourself for election you must be a member of the Foundation Trust within the constituency for which you wish to stand.
Elections are being held for public governors in Weymouth and Portland, West Dorset, South Somerset, Purbeck, East Dorset, Christchurch, Bournemouth and Poole. There will also be elections for staff governors, which are open to everyone who works for the Trust provided they are over 18.
The deadline for nominations is 8 April 2013.
All members of the Trust will be receiving ballot papers in April and must return them by 17 May 2013.
If you are not already a member of DCHFT and would like to join so you can vote in the elections or stand for election, please visit or call 0870 707 1549. Alternatively, contact the membership office at the hospital by calling 01305 255419 or email [email protected]