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Friday, July 5, 2024
One of the most significant technological developments of the 21st Century is rarely talked about in a world obsessed with cloud computing, smartphones and social media - however, plant-based foods have emerged as a solution that may solve issues surrounding world hunger and the environment. It may not seem...
East Dorset Friends of the Earth, in conjunction with Bournemouth University and UCU is holding a Climate Change Question Time at Bournemouth University, Lees Lecture Theatre, Talbot Campus on Saturday 6thNovember, 1.00 to 3.00pm. The event will enable members of the public, local organisations and councillors to hear from a panel of local experts...
Shoppers could start noticing food shortages within days due to the crisis in carbon dioxide (CO2) supply, a food industry chief has warned. CO2 is used in food packaging, as well as a method of stunning animals prior to slaughter - but now supplies are running low.Surging energy costs have resulted...
Animal welfare campaigners have staged protests at more than a dozen Morrisons supermarkets across the country. The demonstrations were led by one of the retailer's own employees, who claims he is facing disciplinary action after highlighting allegations about the chickens it sells.Earlier this month, an investigation accused one of Morrisons'...
To say that packaging is an important component of the food industry is an understatement. Packaging plays a crucial role in extending the shelf life of the food. An attractive packaging is also able to attract even the most critical consumer to purchase the product. One of the innovative products...
A Poole festival organiser has praised the town’s spirit of optimism and togetherness ahead of the final lifting of lockdown restrictions on 19 July. Ben Dyas, director of Poole Harbour Festival, says it has been a tough few months but is greatly encouraged by the actions and messages of support of hundreds of willing festival-goers eager to...
Local charity Friends of Dolphins presented founder of Rockfish, Mitch Tonks, with their Dolphin trophy, given out annually to an organisation or group locally who has shown huge effort in supporting them. This year they chose Rockfish as the recipients, Trustee Chris Price, from Friends of Dolphins made the...
Vegans and pescatarians may be less likely to get severely ill from coronavirus, according to a new study. The research - which took place across six countries, including the UK - showed that those who had plant-based diets were 73% less likely to develop severe symptoms from COVID-19.People who ate fish...
Dorset Eye has been sent an exclusive image of Colin the Caterpillar undressed and in the nude. Less eye candy and more rolls. However, to further complicate his reputation Colin is now suing Cuthbert, who has three trademarks of Colin. Cuthbert though is raising an army of caterpillars to...
The farming model used by industrial agriculture is having an increasingly negative effect on our environment while over exploiting our ever decreasing resources, like fossil fuels. Scarring the planet with deep mines for phosphates and other minerals. It has destroyed nearly 30% of arable land in last 50 years,...