Local charity Friends of Dolphins presented founder of Rockfish, Mitch Tonks, with their Dolphin trophy, given out annually to an organisation or group locally who has shown huge effort in supporting them. This year they chose Rockfish as the recipients, Trustee Chris Price, from Friends of Dolphins made the presentation to Mitch and to Ben Sandford, the general manager at Rockfish Poole. He said, “It’s been a really challenging year for everyone and we’ve been unable to get out on the water and take people with disabilities around the bay in our boats. It’s also been tough for hospitality who have spent so much of last year unable to open. Despite that Rockfish and their customers have supported our cause every day that they were able to open raising over £3,000 in those few short months, to donate to us. This has meant that repairs to equipment and safety changes can be made so that we are ready to restart this summer.” Sporting their new sweatshirts given to the team, skipper and volunteer Chris together with John Buckby took Mitch on a small trip round the harbour to show him the boat and how the money from Rockfish helps.

Rockfish are in good company as the award has been presented previously to the Royal Marines, the harbour commission and the RNLI to name a few. General manager Ben said his team takes great pride in explaining who they support locally in their neighbourhood when talking to customers. Rockfish in Poole also supports Oceans to Earth, the environmental community interest organisation run by Jake and Rosie who help educate and provide resources to local organisations

in an effort to protect the natural environment. Customers in the restaurant are given the option to add £1 to their table bill which goes towards these neighbourhood organisations. Find out more at https://therockfish.co.uk/blogs/rockfish-communities

Rockfish have 8 restaurants in Devon and Dorset. Rockfish opened in Poole in 2020 just months before the first covid lockdown hit. www.therockfish.co.uk


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