21.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
As the temperature begins to drop and those golden summer nights fall into grey skies, it’s time to start preparing for the winter months to draw in. As the autumn season comes upon us, it’s time to review those nutritional needs, fix up those shelters and get your equines...
Leaked documents obtained by Unearthed reveal how a coalition of meat industry associations has pushed for the upcoming UN food systems summit to boost global meat consumption and promote intensive livestock farming despite its environmental footprint, Zachery Boren writes.  The findings have prompted the UN special rapporteur on the right to food,...

YOU are their only hope

Post Brexit the UK will no longer have to conform to the animal protections set in place by the EU. This will mean importing from countriies that deal in animal barbarism and the risk that to compete the UK may abandon the protections it brought in. Even those were...
The Weakest Among Us Empathy is a complex emotion for us humans. In many ways, it seems to be disappearing from society. Because of the constant media barrage of violence, death, and despair, we are becoming increasingly desensitized to the suffering of others. So why is it so easy to...
It’s that time of year again when lots of these beasties turn up in our waters ☺️ But don’t freak out! A little bit of knowledge about the different types (and whether they sting or not!) can go a long way to helping everyone appreciate the beauty of these creatures Jellyfish...
As part of the ‘Love Your Verge’ campaign, we have published a series of videos to explain our approach to roadside management in Dorset. We have made changes to our verge management policy in recent years. Safety remains the top priority, so the approach strikes a balance between cutting verges...
Animal welfare campaigners have staged protests at more than a dozen Morrisons supermarkets across the country. The demonstrations were led by one of the retailer's own employees, who claims he is facing disciplinary action after highlighting allegations about the chickens it sells.Earlier this month, an investigation accused one of Morrisons'...
Compassion in World Farming Patron, Deborah Meaden, has this week launched a petition calling on the UK Government to ban the use of all cages for farmed animals. This follows the European Commission’s plans, announced last month, to introduce legislation that would phase out cages by 2027. Every year across the UK,...
Women are more likely to say they dislike spiders the most, while a higher share of men say wasps are the worst We’ve heard it all before: spiders are more scared of humans than the other way around, they *really* aren’t trying to kill you, and we should all just be grateful...
Maintaining its reputation for offering a huge range of co-curricular activities, Bryanston has reintroduced honeybee colonies at the School to provide pupils with a fascinating insight into the world of beekeeping. The move has been overseen by Ben Pullan, Resident Teacher of Classics at the School and an experienced...