18.8 C
Saturday, September 21, 2024
February was quietly working its way towards spring with some spring-like weather in amongst the usual rainy days and then it all changed! The wind swung round and instead of the normal mild westerlies we get it came in from the east, direct from Siberia. Termed the 'beast from...

Righting a Ewe

This is something many of you will not know about, so its nice to be able to pass it on.If you ever see a sheep on its back with its legs in the air, you could save its life by turning it back upright! Sheep on their backs are...
To see our volunteering opportunities, visit www.dorsetwildifetrust.org.uk/volunteering SUN 1 & MON 2     LORTON EGGSPLORERS TRAIL, 10.30am – 4pm Collect a trail guide from the Conservation Centre and hunt for clues around the reserve to find out about the local wildlife and solve a mystery. Don't forget to return...
Last October the National Trust narrowly voted to continue licensing ‘trail hunting’ on its properties, by 30,985 to 30,686 votes, the narrow margin due to the NT Board using thousands of ‘discretionary’ votes in favour of the hunts. Yet in December, after Theresa May had said she wanted parliament...
We are introducing changes in the way we license trail ‘hunts’ this year following an in-depth review of our current processes and procedures. Our updated approach aims to further safeguard conservation and access by producing a clear, robust, and transparent set of conditions for licensing. The changes include: ...
This is what can happen when kittens are given for free or in the hands of the wrong people. Each one painted a colour with permanent markers (similar to the inset photo) and used as bait for dog fights. People bet on the colour of the cat who will...
To see our volunteering opportunities, visit www.dorsetwildifetrust.org.uk/volunteering THUR 1    CURE YOUR OWN BACON (KINGCOMBE CENTRE COURSE), 12pm – 4.30pm. Dry-cure your own bacon to take home. No previous experience required, this is the perfect course for those would like to make bacon for the first time, or wish to...
Whilst the short, cold days of January are not enough to dampen the enthusiasm of Dorset's nature watchers it can limit their opportunities to get out and about! To be fair, of all the months in the year, January is often the quietest for surprises. Unless there is a...

Natural England Loses Appeal

How often will Natural England (NE) be told by judges to release information about the ongoing badger culls? Last December NE was in court, arguing its case for not releasing information sought by ecologist Tom Langton, and the Tribunal has now judged against it – the second time it...
Campaigning MEP Julie Girling has been successful today in moves in the European Parliament to ban so-called pulse fishing.Mrs Girling, MEP for the South West and Gibraltar, linked with colleagues in the Parliament's Green, Liberal, Left and Socialist groups in a vote to end the destructive practice, which is...