24.9 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
This article was originally published on August 11, 2023. Legal experts have assessed the content and are now pursuing legal action against a number of parties. The article that is the catalyst for at least two ongoing documentaries and a series of national and international articles can now return....
A classic example of how some people's consciousness works to highlight institutional racism better than anything. https://twitter.com/EddieBurfi/status/1461477279989735431?s=20 A brown person asked first and then the thunder clouds when it is pointed out. Do you remember that time in 2019? It sets the scene for the whole horror show that the corporate media and...
For a while now Rachel Riley (of Countdown) has been working, not so clandestinely, for (or with) the Israeli state propaganda machine (either associated or non associated - it amounts to the same thing)*. The attempt has been to lie and deceive people in to believing that Jeremy Corbyn,...
To open with a positive is a nice thing to do in the company of the hundreds of thousands of people watching. What comes next though is a dismemberment that equates to a metaphorical murder. If ever a false sense of security was lulled this is it. https://twitter.com/LeonjWard/status/1284042750741143552?s=20

I love Gary Neville

Gary Neville absolutely slaughters Edwina Bury Me in a Y Shaped Coffin Currie. The smug Tory sociopath ends up looking exactly as described as her understanding of the UK public is revealed. Go get a job as a kitchen porter then. In fact come to my hotel this afternoon and...
Picture a scene in the middle ages. A market square with multiple stocks. Each day the most incompetent idiot has rotten fruit thrown back at it. In this case whilst murmuring 'OOOOO Betty'. Where did Boris Johnson find them all? https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1352187453029961728?s=20 https://twitter.com/ToryFibs/status/1352172636772708353?s=20 Each day bring levels of incompetence not seen previously. It...
Newsnight's team look as though they may have joined the real world but we should't hold our breath. They still have a long way to go. This though is a dagger to the heart moment. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1265538315094278146?s=20 Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel:...
Following on from the amazing work being done by the Independent media in exposing what the corporate media should be doing but choose not to, for example, this from the wonderful Canary if anyone is still in any doubt about the dark state serving to oust Jeremy Corbyn look...
Yet another scandal that will be buried by dark forces but not by us in the light. This proves that the rebel alliance (us) can beat the death star. The fact that there was a mass deletion a few days back once the scandal was exposed only reinforces the...
Officers searching for a missing woman in Christchurch have very sadly found a body.At approximately 12.30pm on Monday 23 October 2023 the body of a woman was located in some woodland close to Gordon Road in Highcliffe. While the body has not yet been formally identified, it is believed to...