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Sunday, September 22, 2024
As the Tories continue to close hospitals and A&E Departments...... as they continue to privatise larger amounts of the NHS than EVER before...... as they continue to work towards a post-Brexit trade deal with the US which will be the death of our NHS..... and as Sir Simon Stephens...
If you want a flavour of why our mainstream media journalists, particularly broadcast journalists, as a generalisation, are truly shockingly bad... Allegra Stratton leaves ITV to go and work for the current Chancellor. David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, George Osborne all hired their spin doctors from senior BBC...
if you dont give a fuck about the long term future of the NHS dont read any further. (pb) "So, I'm getting increasingly concerned about the longer-term implications of what might lazily be termed the "Diana-ficatLion" of the NHS - a mass outpouring of sentimental expression, and a sudden, rather...
So many people are castigating The Racist Rapist for suggesting that injecting disinfectant might cure coronavirus. Rightly so, obviously... the man is an unbelievably dangerous imbecile with ulterior motives in every word he says. But when he locked children in cages and concentration camps, so many people said: "Well, he's...
George Monbiot

Let’s Nuke the Virus

Governments attend to imaginary threats, while neglecting real ones. We are defending ourselves against the wrong threats. For decades, UK governments have been fighting not just the last war, but a redundant notion of war, spending hundreds of billions against imaginary hazards. At the same time, as we have become...
A relaxing of coronavirus lockdown restrictions is being discussed in Belgium which could see gatherings of up to 10 people allowed on weekends - the only catch being it would have to include the same people every week. An expert panel has been appointed to draw up an exit strategy...
Helen Whately did what many future Tory MP's do. She got a PPE from Oxford; went in to private consultancy and then suddenly found herself elected as a clueless, rabid, soulless Tory MP. The magic (dark) was to persuade all those people to vote for her (and them). Following on...
A message to all the media commentariat, and those Labour Party officials, members & elected officials on the right of the Party...many of whom appeared in the horrific allegations in the leaked report, many of whom said just before the December 2019 General Election “If only Labour had Jo...
I can deal with the lockdown. I can deal with not earning any money and not qualifying for government help. But every day I wake up to the realisation that my local MP is Liam Fox and that is just so depressing. (Victoria Morris) You'd think we'd have learned never...
WE would publish the hidden behind a paywall article if we could but unfortunately we cannot.However, we can point the reader towards the place where it can be found for free. HERE IS THE ARTICLE THAT SHOULD BRING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT The government missed a series of opportunities to lessen the...