15.6 C
Friday, September 20, 2024
On the 10th May 2019 Amber Rudd announced to the nation that she was changing the DWP sanctions regime to ensure future sanctions are proportionate. To that end, she is abandoning the 'rarely used' (she says) 3-year sanction and, in the future, the longest length of a sanction will...
If people do not understand what 'Socialism' means, and why it is different to Capitalism, watch this. The man helping the sloth is representing Socialism. Capitalism would have been "Don't help, it will only make the sloth weaker. Yes, we messed up the environment for it, but survival of...
Never mind just suspending the appalling Jeremy Kyle and his appalling show. Plain common decency requires that it NEVER comes back. And Kyle, ITV, and all others responsible, who've taken advantage of vulnerable people for years, should face charges. https://twitter.com/CorbynASAP/status/1127913437953175552
My reply to The Sun On Sundays request yesterday. Hi Gareth, Thank you for your email. Primarily I need to correct you on your referral to Universal Credit as being Universal Credits. These are different things, and although I don't want to argue about semantics, it is about conveying the correct message...
The Tories and the Farage cronies want a smaller state. They want the rich to suck up all the wealth... and control the planet. They are all establishment pups who yelp on command. They are backed by dodgy people and dodgy money. They represent me not one bit. I want...
To be honest if this lady had spent the whole hour listing what is wrong with the UK at present she would still of only scratched the surface. Many politicians have had their time and we simply do not need or want them. https://twitter.com/ToryFibs/status/1126768270558629888 Douglas James
In a group recently I was subjected to someone saying that because I was often seen supporting a demo or action I could not possibly be disabled and was faking it. In response to this rediculous remark - those who know me well and have met me and spend time...
"In the end how do we judge a society but by how we treat the poorest and most vulnerable, not how much dead wealth we can personally accumulate.  And in that the disease of our Tory run county". Independent candidate, with no large scale national political back-up, demolished Poole Tory council...
'Theresa May talks about a real rise in wages for the first time in a decade like it's something to be proud of. She mentions record numbers of people in work. What she won't tell you is that there's a record number of people in in-work poverty.' Something else she...
I must confess, for years I have thought there is a way of keeping Capitalism, but making it fairer. The simple truth is our planet is a finite resource. Capitalism only 'works' based on constant growth. Barely anyone disputes we are killing this planet directly because of chasing this...