15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
I am about to be charged for an alleged Pension Credits overpayment of £8365.30 by the DWP for the second time, covering the exact same period as last time in 2014, based on false figures which were proved false by the very information that the DWP provided when I...
"Here is a little comment I posted about Corbyn's "failure" on The Times website. I'm sure you will approve. Let me see. In the face of the nastiest, dirtiest co-ordinated campaign against a single politician in living memory aided and abetted by members of his own party, Jeremy Corbyn's Labour...
An official at a Home Office Reporting Centre told 'a man facing deportation that his job is to "piss him off" as part of the government’s challenging environment' I am very grateful to him for his candour, he's got the message across loud and clear. Everything that people are...
As an ex-frontline British Soldier who actually fought Irish Terrorists, and endured the loss of comrades to Irish Terrorists, I now find myself in the unenviable position of being assessed for my health by a Criminal Government who has jumped into bed with some of the same Thuggish Irish...
There is nothing new in the right wing establishments treatment of the Windrush generation of people who were invited and transported to Britain in our hour of need after WWII. A Conservative campaign poster of 1964 read, "Face the facts. If you desire a coloured for your neighbour, vote Labour....
I have a problem with bureaucracy and I don't mean a little one, it is so bad it can drive me into the deepest depression and to the edge of despair. Confronted with bureaucracy my mind goes into self destruct mode and the physical sensation is one of intense...

Ruddy hell!

Two politicians, May & Rudd, went on a mission in cold blood. Deported british OAPs and didn’t care less. Threw away their files, their keys, their jobs, their N.H.S. May and her sidekick should slink away elsewhere And if they don't like it - appeal from there!
In 2015 David Cameron spoke these fateful words, "For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'." Of course, as ever with the Conservatives, Cameron made no attempt to clarify in what way...


Life is incredible, a unique gift of a vast and mysterious universe. Life is not a commodity to be used and abused, taken for granted and treated as if it is expendable. The whole Earth is an amazing ecosystem, located in the sweet spot, the Goldilocks, habitable, zone, of our solar...
No More.... One way or another this psychopathic/sociopathic government and their supporters must do one. Death after death; misery after misery; lie after lie. No more... Douglas James