15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
George Monbiot
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is not so much a democratic leader as a monarch with a five-year term. Do we live in a democracy? You may well ask. An unelected adviser seems to exercise more power than the Prime Minister, and appears unanswerable to people or Parliament....
Remember this? No? Well it is not surprising. This is the first remembrance parade at 11.00 am on 11th November, 1919 in London. Servicepeople who had fought or lost loved ones stood for two minutes on the promise that the 'war to end all wars' would never be repeated. That...
Vampire wars! One from the past unleashes everything he has on the current crop. Douglas James
Just a reminder: Keir Starmer does NOT think, despite courts proving corruption, Matt Hancock should resign. Despite investigations showing the Robert Jenrick corruption, Starmer does NOT think he should resign and actually supports the same man either directly taking charge, or indirectly via civil servants/commissioners, of Liverpool council. Starmer...
As the Tories continue to close hospitals and A&E Departments...... as they continue to privatise larger amounts of the NHS than EVER before...... as they continue to work towards a post-Brexit trade deal with the US which will be the death of our NHS..... and as Sir Simon Stephens...
The devastation for the public and the gentle caress for the rich and powerful. Welcome to Toryland. More of Richard Bacon on Question Time please….“Liz Truss has done more damage to the British economy than Brexit, the war in Ukraine and the pandemic…. And she’s done that since Friday”#bbcqt #bbcquestiontime...
We’ve taken drastic action to try to stop the election from being won by outrageous lies. One of the golden rules of journalism is that you don’t break an embargo: a block on publication until a certain date. For the first time in my career, I’m breaking one now. The...
Imagine if the whole corporate media were like this. We would never have had the scourge of Tories. Speaking for the nation (minus the walking dead) and Ian does not swear once. https://twitter.com/JustSayNope/status/1514581088550756357?s=20&t=dfKJnqNJffnfntx00iIucA Penny Lane Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
A number of Israeli citizens have written this heart wrenching letter to all Israelis pleading for some answers from their government, for example a full list of the names of those killed and an investigation into what happened on 7th October. That they felt it necessary to remain anonymous speaks...
Israel is not suddenly a more racist state. It is simply growing more confident about admitting its racism to the world The most disturbing outcome of Israel’s general election this week was not the fact that an openly fascist party won the third-biggest tally of seats, or that it is about to become...