15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
I have been a member of the Labour Party and involved in politics for over 45 years. I have spent these years as a campaigner in my local community and nationally for what I consider to be basic rights- the right to a decent roof over your head in a...
On blinding form as ever was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3Rzyql7IYU PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
To be compared to PG Wodehouse means accepting the whole caboodle. “P.G. Wodehouse was a literary genius who has long been considered to be amongst Britain’s greatest authors, but he was also an odious anti-Semite,” said Stephen Silverman, director of investigations and enforcement at the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. “Many have suggested...
If someone took something off you, then after watching you suffer for 10 years decided to give you some of it back but only if you support them on a new adventure, would you trust them to look after you in the future? Or would you be cautious about...
If we ever needed evidence of the institutional role of the police in protecting criminals whist persecuting the public here it is: https://twitter.com/RedRadicals/status/1269928734863351809?s=20 They just don't get it which is why they are given a uniform and merrily harass those who seek a democracy over a plutocratic state. If they were...
She takes two years to draw up a basic Brexit white paper. She loses key members of her Cabinet over it. 4 days later she rips it up. After having taken 2 whole years to draft and publish it. She then calls for an early recess in order to avoid any...
If he is not hidden behind ultra right wing pay walls he is just hidden. Come out, come out wherever you are. https://twitter.com/mac123_m/status/1255122927248384000?s=20 Penny Lane
Was it worth it? For us an absolute 'NO'. For him? Well the answer is very different. https://twitter.com/Number10cat/status/1478433924871299078?s=20 For essential workers trying to stay afloat in a decade long underfunded NHS, amidst a pandemic mismanaged from the start, this is the reality: https://twitter.com/LBC/status/1478434363754926080?s=20 And now this discovered as part of the Tory Brexit...
The Labour right promised us an 'Opposition' not a Tory Maitre D
The embarrassing thing at UK Labour level is that Drakeford here in Wales, Andy Burnham in Manchester, Sturgeon in Scotland, even Joe Anderson Liverpool's Mayor, Steve Rotheram Liverpool too-they are all massively out-performing Starmer. It looks as though there is left/soft left and UK Labour being certainly to the right...
If only we had a Prime Minister who we could genuinely trust. Instead we have a Prime Minister who we genuinely do not trust. This meme shared by an MP sums him up perfectly. It is not difficult. One just has to be awake. Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A...