15 C
Monday, September 30, 2024
Marxists and neo Marxists have been saying this for decades. Now Carol Vorderman has said it. Legality and illegality are created by politicians. They make the statutes. As Marxists argue those statutes are often made to punish us and protect them. Marxists claim both that the criminal law is affected by...
Be honest, could you have put this any better? One would have to go all out to beat this. Well said Simon Pegg ????✊???? pic.twitter.com/u4lHkk18yl— Monts ???????? (@jardinmondial) January 5, 2023 As for the Maths. Here is a simple maths question: If 13 years of Tory government knocks 20% off your real...
We have to be bold. We have to all want to make a difference. We have to talk and listen. We have to leave a legacy to be proud of. To do that we have to **** Capitalism! **** Governments and **** Corporations. Here is why. Some reasons capitalism perpetually fails the...

Some questions for Americans

I spent Christmas in Chicago and Mitchigan and now have some questions for the American public. 1. Why do you heat your homes and cars to a million degrees? It's stifling, I know it's cold outside, but it just makes you ill if you have it that hot 2. Why is...
The only people who celebrate people who 'speak their mind' are those with nothing useful to say. The more ignorant of reality the more it seems people want to display it. Juliet Hartley-Brewer and Andrew Tate are two such people. Witless parasites who make a lot of white noise usually...
Apparently it can be caught from anyone with empathy and a love of knowledge. You will feel a buzzing sensation in which suddenly the world makes sense. However, the downside is that those who do not have it appear witless, unable to have an informed conversation and become very...

Keep your weird buddy in range!

Another death in my old network of survivors of serious mental illness. James and I hadn’t spoken for more than 10 years and he’s been gone a year… Still a bit of a shock I must say…. He would be roughly the 10th suicide I’ve known. We’re often bloody rude about...
Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan is a British corporate broadcaster, journalist, writer, and television personality. He began his Fleet Street career in 1988 at The Sun (AKA The Scum). Many are fully aware what a nasty narcissist Morgan is but few get the opportunity to publicly proclaim it. Thankfully, the likes of...
This is not about standing up for a millionaire member of the Royal Family. This is about common decency and standing up against the vile and the cruel traits too many people explode on to others. https://dorseteye.com/jeremy-clarkson-savaged-by-his-own-daughter-over-his-sexist-misogyny-towards-meghan-markle/ Unless we stand up for decency then we may as well all be dead. Here...
A man who has experienced his business for 30 years versus an ideological liar who still has a nanny to wipe his arse. ???????????? more lies from Leavers #brexithasfailed https://t.co/93iMWEp9SO— Serban Suvagau ???????????????????????????????? (@SMSglobalCDN) December 16, 2022 Remember that Rees-Mogg is a terrorist and yet he is still invited...