13.1 C
Sunday, September 29, 2024
There is not holding back and there is not holding back. Over to Miriam to show us how. “What an appalling, adulterous creep!” MM on Matt Hancock going on #ImACeleb ???????? pic.twitter.com/IlD4nD2llC— Miriam Margolyes OBE (@MMargolyes) November 12, 2022 More from this wonderful person: https://dorseteye.com/millions-may-complain-to-ofcom-that-miriam-margolyes-did-not-go-far-enough/ Join us in helping to bring reality...
Following the announcement that nurses are going on strike for the first time in their 106 year history https://dorseteye.com/enough-is-enough-as-nurses-vote-to-strike/ many are explaining to the nation why. This man's level of articulation should thus be celebrated. It succinctly addresses the damage of 12 years of Tories on the NHS and the impact upon...
Following Wes Streeting's attempts to look even more of a **** to the decent public https://dorseteye.com/wes-streeting-belittles-dementia-sufferers-jeremy-corbyn/ many other decent in the know people have responded. Amongst them is 'A Different Narrative' and he sums up the situation and the players perfectly. Wonderful decent man belittled by spineless bullying parasite aka Jeremy...
They are a far right toxic purveyor of fake news and crass opinion. That is now beyond dispute as pointed out by anyone with their cerebral cortex attached. https://dorseteye.com/mick-lynch-destroys-morons-at-gb-news/ Thery are to news what rabies is to dogs. However, it is not often that they are roasted publicly with such explicit...
Seventy Five year old man voted to leave and was euphoric. Now tell us why. It's déjà vu as James O'Brien, for the first time in ages, tries to find out what a Brexit voter thinks they voted for.@mrjamesob pic.twitter.com/pGrkegpKgK— LBC (@LBC) November 4, 2022 Have you met anyone who...
First it was the far right psycho Suella Braverman and now the incompetent adulterer Gavin Williamson. Is Sunak so unable to find anyone of any competence and civility in the Tory party? Are they that disgusting and wretched that not one is capable of doing anything that isn't destructive? Times have...
What should not been even remotely controversial these days, is saying that WE CANNOT AFFORD CAPITALISM. AS HUMANS OR AS A PLANET. It is literally killing us and our planet. 97% of the scientific community agree. Of course it’s not framed as ‘Capitalism’ in the news and press releases,...
Israel is not suddenly a more racist state. It is simply growing more confident about admitting its racism to the world The most disturbing outcome of Israel’s general election this week was not the fact that an openly fascist party won the third-biggest tally of seats, or that it is about to become...
The Labour party are not chasing populism. They are chasing right wing populism. They are chasing racists and homophobes and misogynists and those who worship inequality and division. Any other strategy and they would be blocked from power. Exemplar: The 2021 MP of the year Ian Byrne tries to communicate with...
Back to work today, I forgot my pass so locked my bike outside Cannon Street station. I left work at 6pm to find just the cut lock and no bike, resigned to never seeing my trusty stead again asked the station if they had cameras. A guy appeared waving...