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Sunday, September 29, 2024
With the Queen's health and subsequently her life in jeopardy many people, especially monarchists, will be extremely concerned. This is particularly an issue as the next generation does not fill anyone with any hope. However, what we do know is that just as Tony Blair did following the death...
I genuinely could not have summarised it any better. In which the leveling up secretary accurately summarizes 12 years of Tory achievements pic.twitter.com/DT3JYOuRfX— James Felton (@JimMFelton) September 8, 2022 What is actually occurring? New research published in 2022 reveals that 90,000 people die in poverty in the UK each year. The report...
Journalists aren’t too deferential and timid, as the ex-Newsnight presenter claims. They are only too ready to bare their teeth when it serves establishment interests It took no great powers of prognostication for Emily Maitlis to predict in her recent MacTaggart lecture to the Edinburgh Television Festival that critical comments about her...
A ringing endorsement if ever I've heard one. Watch out grandmas across the land. A motorcycle helmet may come in handy. @dapperlaughs We are in trouble ????????????‍♂️#politics #liztruss #primeminister #jokes #comedy ♬ original sound - Dapper Laughs And she helped create the sh** show we are all...
The Tories main function is to make people feel so irrelevant that they give up and just let them keep trashing the country. Douglas James Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent...
Following the desperate attempts to get Westminster and the corporations to listen to the evidence of climate change, while many are fiddling while Rome burns, Extinction Rebellion have upped the anti in what will now be a long and increasingly more public campaign to attempt to change the direction...
There has been much debate amongst academics about whether the Soviet Union was ever 'communist'. Those who argued it was would say if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it must be a duck. Opponents would argue that is does not walk or look like...
Was in Sainsburys at lunchtime today and was frustrated that there were only two tills open, and that the self checkouts were very busy. My young daughter was with me so I told her that we will queue at the till rather than use the self checkouts (and the...

Just a thought!

Mass strike action is coming and the Tories know it. Concerns over crippling energy bills are a massive disincentive to people to go on strike (over their pay, conditions and job-cuts) and a reason for workers (including agency staff) to be 'forced' to break strikes and cross picket lines. People...

Dear Working Class Britain

There is an old saying, 'money doesn't grow on trees'. It is a very good saying, but not for the reasons you may think. If you are a working class woman or man it might strike you as a perfectly logical statement, money is not part of nature's endless...