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Sunday, September 29, 2024
Dear BBC I wish to register a complaint and ask for an explanatory response. Yesterday (24th August 2022), I was watching the information screen in the waiting room of my dentist. A BBC News Headline 'ticker' was running at the bottom of the screen with the day's headlines. I was struck...
Language is important. Language has power: financial power, political power and cultural power. Therefore, those who have power have more influence. Here Andrew Pierce displays this in an extremely negative way by using the racist trope 'black community' working on the assumption that just because of the colour of a...
Journalist Emily Maitlis has hit out at the BBC - her former employer - claiming its board has been infiltrated by a Conservative Party agent and former Downing Street spin doctor whom she claims is now an "arbiter of BBC impartiality". Delivering the MacTaggart Memorial Lecture at the Edinburgh TV...
When we ask legal or economics experts about jurisprudence and economics suddenly we get the reality. When we ask clueless nobodies we get white noise. Let's get back to the former and never enable the latter. Here Judge Rinder explains how the crushing of legal aid access to the vulnerable...
Bollocks to Splitting! Let’s Unite! The Labour Party is busily expelling its Corbynist members. The refugees (like myself) outside now have an array of choices of organisations in which to fight the Tories. Can’t we just unite under one banner? Esteemed academic of the left John Rees recently said on Facebook,...
We know Andrew Castle is about as good at serious interviewing as the Tories are at telling the truth but this is a monumental blow up. Talking to a trans person Castle is out thought and argued throughout because instead of doing his homework, trying to be objective and...
The Satanic Verses novelist is championed by western liberals not because he has bravely articulated difficult truths but because of who his enemies are Nothing I am about to write should be read as diminishing in any way my sympathy for Salman Rushdie, or my outrage at the appalling attack...
Allowing only one side to be criticised for its crimes – reinforcing the loaded western political narrative of good guys versus bad guys – is likely to fuel war rather than resolve it Should a human rights organisation apologise for publishing important evidence of war crimes and human rights abuses? If...
We now do not expect anything else from this government of liars and fascist sympathisers. However, what is wonderful are those who stand up to them and their walking dead supporters. Keep standing up to them and eventually they will fall. Jason Cridland Join us in helping to bring reality and decency...
Following a reported comment on Italian TV that a British holiday maker shouted at Boris Johnson 'get back to work you fat ponce' the search is on to find the person who made such a perceptive comment. Someone MUST have this, surely?#getbacktoworkyoufatponce https://t.co/wsVWsnEk21— Kiki D (@not_a_karendean) August 14, 2022 Although...