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Saturday, September 28, 2024
The Horny Honey Monster is on the ropes, so I think it's time to take a quick look at the runners and riders poised to take over from Boris Johnson. It's an inspiring list. Liz Truss The kind of foreign minister you'd expect to find on Gumtree. A LibDem, then a Tory....
Articulate and perceptive as ever Stephen Fry reveals 70 years of vexation. Stephen Fry - How many Prime Ministers tolerated? For that alone no admiration is high enough. ???? pic.twitter.com/P1xzuKocrZ— Mark Conway (@MarkConway87) June 4, 2022 The rogues gallery including war criminals, pedophiles, sociopaths, psychopaths, racists, Judeophobes, Islamophobes, liars, the...
To say this has gone mad on twitter is to underestimate the sense of bewilderment that the Tories still allow Boris Johnson in the country let alone as Prime Minister. Yesterday this went bonkers https://dorseteye.com/reception-at-st-pauls-cathedral-for-the-johnsons-restores-my-faith-in-the-public/ and now live to the drones on the BBC this: Lee Mack will be sold off by...
He has lied, He has cheated. He is corrupt. We all know this even if some pretend. However, when do we get a chance to show it apart from when a government decides to held accountable at the ballot box following six weeks of wall to wall corporate propaganda? Today...
James Connolly - Visit of King George V, (1910). ''What is monarchy? From whence does it derive its sanction? What has been its gift to humanity? Monarchy is a survival of the tyranny imposed by the hand of greed and treachery upon the human race in the darkest and most...
With inflation soaring and the cost of living crisis biting, the Chancellor’s recent £15bn intervention was welcome – but more radical thinking is required if we are to energise our economy through these stormy waters and earn another five years of Conservative government. Given the gargantuan economic challenges ahead, we...
Oh dear oh dear. Someone has to share their antipathy with their drinking buddies via Faecesbook. They whine and go when people want racists and slave traders cancelled but when someone attacks their precious multi billionaire Royal Family they collapse and cry and do the snowflake like no other....
In typical style the prime minister, Alexander Boris de Pfeffer Johnson (known to his family as Al) has sought to hide from  proper scrutiny by weakening the Ministerial Code, so that Ministers can lie to Parliament and not have to resign.  No careful consideration of the long term consequences of...
Partygate in Downing Street offers a unique glimpse into the inner workings of Downing Street. The Sue Gray report opened a Pandora’s Jar, revealing the unprofessional and unsavoury culture in Downing Street, a culture that would not be tolerated in any other serious, high profile workplace in Britain.  It is...
Tobias Ellwood has put his head in the noose. Sociopaths and psychopaths have no shame and no conscience. They do what is best for them and stuff the rest. Mr Ellwood may now find the sludge dropping on him from a great height. This Tobias Ellwood: https://dorseteye.com/tobias-ellwood-mp-condemns-right-wing-demonstrator-who-urinated-over-pc-keith-palmers-memorial/ From now on we are...