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Thursday, September 19, 2024
The endless pursuit of money and wealth is destroying our planet but the great equalizer awaits us all no matter how much is accrued. Eventually nature will see off the human species and then have to repair the damage done. The following is an example of how rich people...
What is Zionism? Zionism, the political and national movement advocating for the establishment and support of a Jewish state in the historical region of Palestine, is one of the most contentious and polarizing topics in contemporary political discourse. Its roots date back to the late 19th century, but the movement...
The last few months has seen many voices produce or repeat misinformation and disinformation. Lie after lie is told with some getting very wealthy as a result. Many are rejecting a nutritious diet of facts for the offal of lies. The following is an incident that occured before the...
In the early nineties I reached a tipping point. It was during the pre-Christmas period and I was drunk. I was watching commercial television and was galvanised out of my seat by a particularly inane, enraging, advert. I grabbed a carving knife that I'd been using to cut up...
This question was posed to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds, 'What does love mean?' The answers received were broader, deeper, and more profound than anyone could have ever imagined! Over to the children: 'When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore… So my...
Jeremy Kyle Jeremy Corbyn Antisemitism Talk TV
What provoked me to write this article is Odious Kyle's attempt to get away with lying about Jeremy Corbyn. Otherwise, I would have ignored it like most people try to. Who is Odious Kyle? Jeremy Kyle, a British television presenter, is known for hosting "The Jeremy Kyle Show," which was a...
Oh dear he really should have kept his toes out of the water much like many other careerist Labour... MP's. And then again: To be fair he does have his good days: https://dorseteye.com/chris-bryant-to-dan-wootton/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/

Is Tim Montgomery drunk?

First the elephant in the room https://dorseteye.com/at-last-an-mp-challenges-the-bbc-over-its-right-wing-bias-on-its-political-programming The following is just a rant by someone who appears to be under the influence of something. His heart is possibly in the right place, but his mind is on a waxed slide. Tim Montgomerie: Russia's Putin and Myanmar have committed war crimes too.... Why...
What is Dry Rot? Dry rot is an aggressive form of fungal growth also known as Serpula Lacrymans. It is a wood destroying fungi that feeds off the cellulose in timber in order to grow and spread. This process leaves timber in a dry and brittle state and can weaken structural...
Former Wirral Labour Councillor Jo Bird, and the Wirral’s only Jewish councillor, was expelled from the Labour Party in November 2021 for speaking at a Labour Against the Witchhunt (LAW) meeting in 2018 and signing a petition in 2020. Following this week’s local election Ms Bird has regained her seat...