6.4 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024
I am not a label but when it comes to listening to the right wingers screaming labels at others and then being asked to explain it, that has to be time well spent. If only for the sadistic pleasure. In all seriousness none of us should label others. It is...
Article: https://novaramedia.com/2022/01/27/why-is-labour-broke/ Quite astonishingly, Lee Harpin a ‘journalist’ (and others) decided to lie (with seeming impunity) about UK Labour’s membership, saying it was booming etc. It’s not. By The Leadership’s own admission, we have lost tens of thousands of members. Many of them deliberately purged for factional reasons. UK Labour is...
It seems we may have reached the moment when it is time to say goodbye. It has been fun, educational and sometimes cathartic – for me at least. I hope you got something from our time together too. I am not going anywhere, of course. Not for now at least....
"I stand before you as a doormat. Oh, I mean, as a female entertainer," Madonna said. "Thank you for acknowledging my ability to continue my career for 34 years in the face of blatant sexism and misogyny and constant bullying and relentless abuse." Recalling her life as a teenager when...
What mainstream politics, the commentariat and media are ignoring is that the generation under me (under 40's) are WAY, WAY more informed, active, political and committed to change. Not just here, but across the world. Here in the UK, outside of Wales (Drakeford's Welsh Labour, Plaid Cymru & Sinn Féin...
If the following seems harsh I mean no bad ill to his family or those of the injured but I make no apology for saying this. Context 'Three people have been arrested after a man died when a bridge collapsed during a shooting trip on a farm. Brian Harwood, 73, was killed...
I start this week by offering an apology. Without hesitation, equivocation, or mental reservation of any kind. I was wrong. I counted myself among that unquantifiable number who sincerely held that Boris Johnson couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery. Instead, we now see that his talent for organising...
The whole country is used to Boris Johnson pulling a stunt to distract attention when he is faced with yet another self-inflicted catastrophe.The latest  ploy by  Johnson, the attack on the BBC, has rather a sinister undercurrent. When the government defunded the BBC World Radio Service, which was Britain’s...
If you really want to hear a typical Boris Johnson supporter, explain without any valid evidence and based entirely upon appealing to bigotry and prejudice, why he voted for him, this is it. Absolutely no intellectual investigation. Entirely based upon feeding him faeces, via the the corporate cesspit, and him...
Over 13 million people wanted an incompetent Tory government. Luckily for them they got one
No-one will have been really surprised at the callous and arrogant behaviour of Johnson, the Liar in Chief in relation to ‘ Party Central’, formerly knowns as 10, Downing Street. The man has no principles and no discernible appreciation of what the word honour means. Surely though, even one...