7.7 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024
There has been a sharp rise in drink and drug driving in Dorset recently. As what to do about the problem there have been varied suggestions.  The local police and crime commissioner David Sidwick is enforcing a tougher approach. He said: “I want to see more enforcement and tougher sentencing for offenders.” He went on to say that society has in...

I Beg Your Pardon

Seriously, are there people who believe these lies? Yet more partying revelations the state broadcasters and msm have known all about for the past year (yet nowt until now) and the complicit, hypocritical Met police in Johnson's back pocket (after he extended Commissioner Cressida Dick's contract for two years)...
Last week I described Andy Windsor as The Nonce Formerly Known As Prince. A slightly contrived, although reasonably witty gag, I felt. It now proves that I underrated my own, evidently considerable, powers of prognostication. Following his mum’s removal of all his military ranks and assorted whatnot, this is...
Having been exposed to reality by marrying events with the facts (some may not understand this custom in 2022) https://dorseteye.com/boris-johnsons-government-knowingly-broke-their-own-covid-rules/ the population have given up on the cheating lying Sheriff Fat Man apart from his supercilious cronies A longer analysis: If he stays. Ignore the fat adulterer. He is a moral outrage. Penny Lane If...
MI5 has warned that a Chinese government agent has been working in parliament "to subvert the processes", MPs have been told. A letter was sent to MPs by Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle who said MI5 warned him a woman called Christine Lee has been "engaged in political interference activities on...
According to Britannica.com this is the definition and description of Satanism: Satanism, any of various religious or countercultural practices and movements centred on the figure of Satan, the Devil, regarded in Christianity and Judaism as the embodiment of absolute evil. Historical Satanism, also called devil worship, consists of belief in and worship of the Judeo-Christian Devil and the...
A man who was fined for breaking lockdown rules wants a refund after Boris Johnson admitted attending a "bring your own booze" party at Downing Street in May 2020. Kieron McArdle, who lives alone, said he would give the money to a mental health charity, telling Sky News that his...
Follow this through to its conclusion and all the lights come on: Saw Nicholas Witchell on the BBC News At Ten tonight talking about the decision by a judge to throw out the attempts by Jimmy Savile's lawyers to have a civil case brought by one of his accusers dismissed. Witchell...
The latest drinks party in the Downing Street garden reportedly attended by both Boris Johnson and his future wife Carrie Symonds when everyone else in the country was in strict lockdown, is absolutely typical of the double standards and hypocrisy of this government and Tory MPs. It is truly remarkable...
If they are not sick of the Tories and their establishment cronies by now. They never will be. https://twitter.com/SusanlLawson/status/1480814851014471680?s=20 And Louise Bennett who had to buy her 14 year old son: https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1480826642469691392?s=20 If only there was natural justice to eradicate the country and beyond of the psychopaths and the sociopaths and their walking...