13.7 C
Friday, September 27, 2024
Well I'm not feeling too clever with meself, and that's nowt to do with just being boostered, this time around, with Pfizer. Sometimes, as those dear to me will know, I just can't deal with simple questions (to those doing the asking mebbies) with a straight forward answer. Of course...
Yet another walking dead feeder chooses to ignore his own narrative. And yet still the lobotomised vote for him whilst abusing those who bring us reality. https://dorseteye.com/jailed-for-telling-the-truth/ https://dorseteye.com/assange-ruling-a-dangerous-precedent/ The purposefully ignorant and their masters are the true cancer in society and across the planet. Oh and this from a blast from the past: Douglas James If...
The smell of blood gets stronger. The vultures are gathering to pick over the carcase of a failing and desperate Prime Minster. Dominic Cummings said that Johnson would be on his way without doing a full term, looks like his 'Superforecasters' (formerly known as soothsayers/fortune tellers) were right ....
From the moment I started studying Advertising at St. Martins School of Art, way back in the late 50’s I could not understand its existence. Despite the fact I was producing TV commercials the connection between consumer and adverts seemed remote. However using advertising as a way to avoid...
Former Speaker John Bercow eloquently describes how Boris Johnson is the worst Prime Minister he has ever known 'by a country mile'. https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1469224544380538889?s=20 And it is vital to remember that even the right wing commentariat are honest occasionally https://dorseteye.com/andrew-neil-the-tory-party-are-full-of-liars-and-are-just-making-things-up/ And please don't leave without some Russell Howard: Get rid before the public find a...
Not quite linear but the logic will become apparent. First this https://dorseteye.com/oh-dear-allegra-stratton-accidentally-confirms-no-10-christmas-party/ Then this And then the moment that sets the scene for everything that went before, during and after Still feeling sorry for her? I sincerely hope not. Penny Lane If you like our content please keep us going for as little as £2...
It started with a party; perhaps numerous parties. It is ending with lies and complete disdain for the UK public. They cannot be honest. It is not in their DNA. They do what they like, then they look at their 80 seat majority and laugh at us. They conned millions! They appeal...
Why won't they just tell us the truth? Why cover each other's backs and compound the lies...? Do they not trust the public with reality? https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1467837183365201930?s=20 What and why are they hiding so much corruption and information that the public have a right to know? What are they really up to? https://twitter.com/PeterStefanovi2/status/1455986139718893572?s=20 Having watched this clip...
So on my 2nd trip in today returning to Shaftesbury, on the buses, I pull in at Stourpaine at the rather inviting White Horse pub - adorned in winter sunshine under blue skies in the refreshingly crisp chilled misted air - with all the outside tables set out for...
With a Tory party insider having admitted, off the record, that they are appealing to the 'lowest common denominators' for votes we can now understand why they believe they can do what they like and get away with it and rely upon much of the corporate media to keep...