9.8 C
Friday, September 27, 2024
In 1845, Engels' great study of the City of Manchester was published. He notes the extent of poverty and deprivation there, as well as lives tragically foreshortened as a consequence of the lives they were forced to live. Engels develops one of his key notions: the idea of "social murder."...
According to ForeignPolicy.com there are two key reasons for the current fuel meltdown: 'Though the trucker shortage has been a problem in many other European countries, the U.K. has been hit particularly hard. Most fingers, especially in Europe, point directly at Brexit as the culprit. Tax changes and new, tightened immigration laws...
Tory Brexit has been an absolute disaster and will get progressively worse. But back in 2016 one of the arch con men Lord Snooty managed to repeat utter bollocks long enough for 17.5 million people to succumb. This is not to say that Brexit could not have been a success...
Given, as several studies show (Check out the LSE study from a couple of years ago as just one example), Jeremy Corbyn was the most lied about politician ever, previously and now, this is a truly surprising result. It makes one think how successful we could have been had...
As Boris Johnson feebly responds to each new crisis, increasingly it is becoming clear that he is a hollow man. He is a triumph of vanity and ambition over ability and integrity, a mediocre talent promoted way above his level of competence. A fact even Johnson himself acknowledges, describing...

I love Gary Neville

Gary Neville absolutely slaughters Edwina Bury Me in a Y Shaped Coffin Currie. The smug Tory sociopath ends up looking exactly as described as her understanding of the UK public is revealed. Go get a job as a kitchen porter then. In fact come to my hotel this afternoon and...
Remember what they told us? https://twitter.com/pickledpuffin/status/1084058588132315136?s=20 What he told us? https://twitter.com/BorisJohnson/status/1212679425629859840?s=20 Want to know why he is not polling at 0% in the polls: This is an extraordinary three minutes in which the government incompetence or 'strategy' is exposed verbally on national radio. All the things we were told were not going to...
Oh my god, he hasn’t got a clue. No plan, and no idea. By any stretch of the imagination this man is to wisdom, honesty and understanding what slugs are to astrophysics. Quite frankly he is but one of the many establishment sick jokes. Fact checking the Johnson bullsh**: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/oct/03/johnsons-interview-before-the-tory-party-conference-factcheck PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR...
We got a message today from the Sunday Telegraph, who say that they’re running yet another story tomorrow targeting Stop Funding Hate. This follows an earlier Sunday Telegraph report in August, claiming that a group of MPs had written to the CIC Regulator to complain about Stop Funding Hate’s...
Susan Everard, Sarah's mother Sarah is gone and I am broken-hearted. She was my precious little girl, our youngest child. The feeling of loss is so great it is visceral. And with the sorrow come waves of panic at not being able to see her again. I can never talk...