16.2 C
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Jeremy Sevin articulates exactly the manufacturing and politicisation of antisemitism as a weapon. https://twitter.com/jeremyslevin/status/1393661398916517891?s=20 https://twitter.com/jeremyslevin/status/1393661399893778433?s=20 https://twitter.com/jeremyslevin/status/1393661394843848708?s=20 https://twitter.com/jeremyslevin/status/1393661395972108297?s=20 And to finish with a geo political bang: https://twitter.com/jeremyslevin/status/1393772488132374535?s=20 The toxicity over the last few years has been a social construction aimed at alienating. We know it and they know it. Jason Cridland PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH...
George Monbiot
Any residual argument for Scotland to stay within the United Kingdom meets its counter-argument in Boris Johnson. Westminster politics has always been the preserve of a remote enclave, on average massively richer and more privileged than those it claims to represent, especially in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. But...
Protests by Palestinian citizens are being greeted with a mix of police violence and vigilante-style attacks from Jewish fascists. With Jerusalem ablaze and Gaza on the brink of another major Israeli onslaught, it has been easy to overlook the rapidly escalating ethnic violence inside Israel, where one in five of the...
Ten By Six caught up with Chris Williamson to discuss the current escalation of violence and murder taking place in Israel and Gaza. Condemned by the United Nations for war crimes the current Israeli leadership is yet again fuelling an apartheid and genocide described by the African National Congress (ANC)...
As one person tweeted 'never thought I'd tweet Ruth Davidson'. Not wrong there. https://twitter.com/SDinPraxis/status/1392617940445499392?s=20 Voter ID is a way of marginalising the public even more whilst spewing nonsense about the UK voters being corrupt and fake. There is only one thing that is corrupt and fake and it is not the...
All he had to do was say 'sorry'. But no unless there is something in it for him there is no chance. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1392556225263542275?s=20 The man is as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. https://dorseteye.com/the-open-letter-re-boris-johnsons-lies/ Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
My talk at the International Festival of Whistleblowing, Dissent and Accountability on May 8. Transcript below. I wanted to use this opportunity to talk about my experiences over the past two decades working with new technology as an independent freelance journalist, one who abandoned – or maybe more accurately, was abandoned by...
Tonight I am actually starting to question whether Starmer genuinely is a ‘plant’? I have always laughed at that theory up to this point. But there are so many huge, obvious mistakes and absurdly bad decisions, behaviour and actions, with no attempt to even understand why things have so...
F*** me the UK's education system is providing the country with this: https://twitter.com/gletherby/status/1391015483143606273?s=20 And now these people who blame an Opposition party for not building hospitals or police cells whilst the Tories have been in power: And what about the presenter? He did not even point this out. What is not surprising is...
Sir Keir Starmer has said he is "bitterly disappointed" and takes "full responsibility" for Labour's defeat in the Hartlepool by-election. "I'm bitterly disappointed in the results and I take full responsibility for the results. And I will I take full responsibility for fixing things," the Labour leader said. Labour suffered a...