14.2 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Two things. Firstly: sharing information is a good thing, but not if that is all we’re doing. There is no democracy without action, nor is there a solution without action. Information provides for informed action, but if no action is forthcoming, no amount of information will bring about change....
Is the Beano a serious media outlet? The Dandy? Bunty? Surely Mr Hancock they must do if you at any point perceive the Express as anything but a toxic comic. https://twitter.com/RosalindBull/status/1353758558068867075?s=20 Now the reader has watched that, watch this. https://dorseteye.com/aaron-bastani-nails-the-sun-mail-express-and-telegraph/ Now how can we possibly describe any of this propagandising, anti real trustworthy...
I don’t dislike adverts, I don’t detest them, I pathologically hate and despise them. Their effect on me is a whole body experience that is a challenge to self control. If you want to see this supposedly grown man seethe, consumed with rage, just add adverts. Every advert is dishonest,...
The government never take the responsibility for anything and yet we all know they have made loads of mistakes. Why not take responsibility, learn from it and move on? Why are they so unable to do this? The public are not stupid so why does the government treat them as...
We are closer than ever as a world thanks to numerous communication platforms. It is also great to not have a monopoly on how we all communicate. I am involved in loads of different groups/organisations and the problem is *actually communicating* with people. I can send out info, but to...
George Monbiot
Here’s the chilling, remarkable thing that should be inscribed on everyone’s minds: there is no plan. This week, I asked the government’s Cabinet Office three simple questions. What are the objectives of the current lockdown? What are the criteria for deciding when it should be lifted? What are the...
The EU rules guaranteed good food standards, good working conditions, strong environmental controls and the prevention of monopolies which exploit consumers. The reality is that Tories wanted deregulation to suit their cronies and their own interests, Importing and selling substandard food - chlorinated chicken and steroid beef, exploiting workers, driving...
This small clip encapsulates where we are with language and informed debate. Far from being a reflection of the enlightenment we are a being sucked in to a black hole of ignorance and dogma. Whether intellectually, morally or both, language is being mutated to fill a void where understanding...
Trump was a relic of the Civil War and racism and is a https://twitter.com/looseyleftie/status/1349664291037786118?s=20 More from Miriam: https://dorseteye.com/miriam-margolyes-message-to-the-nation/ https://dorseteye.com/millions-may-complain-to-ofcom-that-miriam-margolyes-did-not-go-far-enough/ The voice of reason wrapped up in barbed wire. Just how we like it. Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
The Torygraph is owned by Sir David Barclay (who died three days ago) and his twin brother Sir Frederick Barclay. They own the lease on the island of Brecqhoua, a Channel island, though they spent most of their time in their Monaco home. Their wealth is estimated at £7 BILLION...