15.6 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Betty Boothroyd absolutely shreds the government comparing them to a dictatorship. https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1346163973683556353?s=20 The government is an absolute shambles and the prime minister the biggest shambles of them all. Penny Lane PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
John McDonnell does not hold back. Illegal, immoral and a denial of what a democracy should be like. The world needs to know what is being done in their name. Across ten years independent journalism has stood by Julian Assange as he is victimised by psychopaths and hypocrites. https://dorseteye.com/julian-assanges-dad-the-usa-are-the-criminals-but-they-are-criminalising-those-who-reveal-it-to-the-world/ https://dorseteye.com/julian-assange-dangerous-times-call-for-fearless-journalism/ Now to...
Remember that the ERG support it. Once that fact is known we also know that this is now officially a UK closing down sale in which everything will be sold off to the billionaire mates of the Tories. Most of which are oversees. https://dorseteye.com/far-right-european-reform-group/ This is capitalism's death roll as...
The point of the media is to inform. To bring knowledge (facts...) to the party. However, in a culture of competition the essence of informing becomes secondary to clickbait. The need for attracting people to the site... to pump up advertising revenue is numero uno on the priority list....
“It was the woman on Question Time that really did it for me. She was so familiar. There is someone like her in every queue, every coffee shop, outside every school in every parish council in the country. Middle-aged, middle-class, middle-brow, over-made-up, with her National Health face and weatherproof...
A message that will hopefully reverberate across the nation in 2021. https://twitter.com/1kilroywashere/status/1341787202641154050?s=20 And hot on the tails of the Christmas message from lorry drivers https://dorseteye.com/uk-lorry-drivers-at-dover/ Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
When people mock, laugh, ridicule, abuse, attempt to bully, dismiss re my proud, loud, public, consistent support for Jeremy Corbyn, all I feel is more motivation. The reason I still do this now is because nothing has changed-Jeremy Corbyn is the best human being I have ever met. If...
Drugs and alcohol have ruined the socialist spirit on council estates. Addiction has led to families being torn apart and children are the most affected. County lines and child exploitation have seen children, as young as 10 being sucked up into a system of modern day slavery, from which their...
Sir Hilary Beckles, chairman of the Caribbean Community Reparations Committee, has called for Conservative MP Richard Drax to "hand over...the Drax plantation" as reparation for the part his ancestors played in the Caribbean slave trade. Sir Hilary makes a watertight argument that the estate should be part of the National...
The previous cod wars were a series of mostly 20th century confrontations between the United Kingdom and Iceland about fishing rights in the North Atlantic. Each of the disputes ended with an Icelandic victory. Although the conflict had been occurring since the 14th century it was during the mid to late 20th century that the situation...