13.7 C
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
George Monbiot
They don’t want balance, they want possession. The oligarchs who own the newspapers will never accept the BBC, because it does not belong to them. However tame and conservative it becomes, they will demand it is defunded. And Boris Johnson is listening. In an interview with the Guardian last week, the presenter...
When I was a child my Mum spent all her money on alcohol. She left me home alone for hours often with empty cupboards. Once I was so hungry, I mixed everything I could find in the kitchen in a big pot and ate it. I was sick for...

The COVID Deniers

And now we come to the confected lockdown controversy, which has an immediate & pleasing bonus. Lockdown denialism lets our failing leaders off the hook. They didn’t manage lockdown properly… but why worry? Lockdowns don’t actually make a difference, do they? Lockdown denialism: Get Out Of Jail Free
On blinding form as ever was. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3Rzyql7IYU PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
Anyone **NOW** who voted for Boris Johnson’s CONservatives in last year’s election who **STILL** thinks that was the correct thing to do in light of tens of thousands of people dead who definitely should not, and would not, be, is absolutely a genuine psychopath. I do not mean people...
- New TUC analysis shows that 1 in 3 night-workers earn less than £10 an hour   - Key workers are twice as likely to do night shifts than other workers  - Many working overnight are on low pay and insecure contracts, says union body  As the clocks go back tonight (Saturday) to mark the beginning of...
The Labour right promised us an 'Opposition' not a Tory Maitre D
The embarrassing thing at UK Labour level is that Drakeford here in Wales, Andy Burnham in Manchester, Sturgeon in Scotland, even Joe Anderson Liverpool's Mayor, Steve Rotheram Liverpool too-they are all massively out-performing Starmer. It looks as though there is left/soft left and UK Labour being certainly to the right...
Come on Angela if one is going to uses adjectives to describe the Tories then "scum" is soooooo tame. https://twitter.com/Tpopularfront/status/1318928572069851143?s=20 https://dorseteye.com/the-tories-have-lost-the-trust-of-the-nation-and-its-down-to-cummings-and-johnson/ At least this hijacker gave it some oomph and just said what millions are thinking. Douglas James PLEASE SUPPORT US FOR JUST £2 A MONTH https://dorseteye.com/donate/
WISE Up, a solidarity group for Julian Assange and whistleblower Chelsea Manning, is due to stage a demonstration outside the Guardian offices on October 22 to protest the paper’s failure to support Assange as the US seeks his extradition in an unprecedented assault on press freedom. The date chosen for the protest marks the tenth...
Just about sums up Wootton, Murdoch and much of the corporate media. Give some people a voice and they spew out their toxic entrails. https://twitter.com/RespectIsVital/status/1318335835943612416?s=20 This Dan Wootton: https://dorseteye.com/the-sun-corrects-error-after-dan-wootton-lies-about-crime-rates-in-london/ Penny Lane Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can:...