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Monday, September 23, 2024
Covid-19: It's NOT about the people who DIDN'T die
Do you realise how moronic it sounds when imbeciles witter on about how many people haven't died of Covid-19?Here's an example : World population 1939 2,338 millionWorld population 1945 2,457 millionThat's a 105% survival rate.Using that makes WWII sound like a boost to global health... It's NOT about the people who...
It breaks my heart that the Labour party is being sold down the river by establishment figures
"Labour won't take a lead on anti-black racism, but fortunately we have Unilever subsidiary Ben & Jerry's and country singer Dolly Parton to lead the way. Strange times." David Osland This breaks my heart. Genuinely breaks my heart how, as a comparison to pre-April 2020, The Labour Party have...
The Dominic Cummings corruption
Dominic Cummings seems intent on reducing Britain to a corrupt banana republic, copying the Russian Stalinist model of totalitarian control, ignoring accountability, blatantly giving fat government contracts to his Leave cronies without competitive tendering. Government contracts worth  millions  are given to small companies with little or no experience. Outsourcing such...
Does Harper Collins support BLM or an antisemitic, racist, homophobic prime minister?
Speaking to iNews, book historian Dr Elizabeth Savage said of the parts of the book she had seen: “It’s horrific: racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and more.” And according to Jon Stone in the Independent: 'Boris Johnson depicted Jews as controlling the media and being able to “fiddle” elections in a little-known 2004 novel...
Anyone who thought the corruption inside Labour HQ ended when the leaked Labour Report didn't hit the headlines are going to be in for a shock. THE PARTY ARE NOW THREATENING PEOPLE WITH EXPULSION FOR BLOCKING TROLLS There is a troll group that claims to be fighting Antisemitism but that has...
BAME: By trying to simplify terminology, it’s excluded almost everybody
Using myself as the prime example, I am a white, European, Great British, British, English man. That’s five identities that I have before even going onto my gender. Going back a few generations, my paternal grandfather and his ancestors would be ‘ethnic’…. the ‘un-white’ category.
Leaked report in to Labour sabotage
"Look, you have to see my desire for a Tory election win in context ...You mean there's a 'context' to comments like 'f*ck off pube head' and 'I hope he dies in a fire'?" David Osland Re The Labour Leaks Report where it is alleged the investigation into it is...
Just Jews speaking the truth
Excellent, clear and well presented short video on how different Jewish people are and how the Board of Deputies represents only a tiny fraction of UK Jews. https://twitter.com/JustJewsUK/status/1291286040574074880?s=20
The Labour right promised us an 'Opposition' not a Tory Maitre D
The Labour right absolutely LOVE polls. Every day for 5 years they told us "We would be 20 points clear in the polls if Keir Starmer (or a Labour right MP) was leader". Since April 2020, Labour has had large swathes of the media come onboard and give positive...
Roger Water's letter to The Times re zionism
The letter that The Times rejected. https://twitter.com/rogerwaters/status/1289047234760314880?s=20 As Roger says 'thank God for social media'. Douglas James