15.8 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
SUICIDE!!! (Or Covid-19 if they want to *temporarily put us off the scent). *Temporarily in this case = approx 3 seconds. Following the below revelations the billionaire establishment will not let her or any others spill the beans on their vileness. Jeffrey Epstein's confidante Ghislaine Maxwell has been made to wear paper...
Joint Dorset response to Prime Minister’s criticism of care homes during the pandemic: The huge effort of the care sector across Dorset during the pandemic has been praised as BCP Council and Dorset Council shares concern about the Prime Minister’s comments that ‘too many care homes didn’t really follow the...
On jobs “The West Country needed to hear a bigger and better plan for new jobs with real prospects from the Chancellor – not just stop-gap work experience that finishes in six months. “The best way out of this crisis and to avoid long-term economic downfall, is to create jobs through...
'This country's soul is dead'. Every voter should watch this and genuinely take on board the destruction being done by the government. https://twitter.com/thepileus/status/1279813562718924800?s=20
What to know about being a 'Leftie' in 2020 (and, well, always...)...Long, the hope comes at the end!: *If you are in favour of common-sense basic things like using OUR money to pay for a fully-funded free healthcare service, free education for all/of all ages, housing for all where required,...

Corruption kills

Accusations  of incompetence are often levelled  at the dismal duo of Johnson and Cummings, but the real issue goes much deeper and is more sinister. Cummings out-sourced government contracts to private companies, often without competitive tendering. Companies that often had contributed  to  Tory Party funds or specifically to Boris Johnson’s...
I have been a member of the Labour Party and involved in politics for over 45 years. I have spent these years as a campaigner in my local community and nationally for what I consider to be basic rights- the right to a decent roof over your head in a...
Crackdown by UK Labour leader on left-wing rival will subdue critics of Israel in his party ahead of Israel’s annexation move The sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey from the UK shadow cabinet – on the grounds that she retweeted an article containing a supposedly “antisemitic” conspiracy theory – managed to kill three birds...
THANK YOU! To all my brilliant, compassionate, rhino-skin comrades who are making it possible for me to stay in The Labour Party. Some of the best people I have ever met are my local CLP comrades and those in Welsh Labour Grassroots. At this time where the current hierarchy...
My son George has taught me so much about this world , he’s taught me about equality and empathy. I am able to look people in their eyes when they speak and feel what they are going through as I put myself in their position and I do all...