15.9 C
Monday, September 23, 2024
From Dave: Normally I wouldn't show you something so unrefined, I hope you understand https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tR6mKcBbT4
Another divide in opinion about the removal of a statue. However, the argument that the person was aligning to values of the past and should not be judged by today's standards is facile for two reasons. One, the statue is in the here and now and the celebration is symbolised...
George Monbiot
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is not so much a democratic leader as a monarch with a five-year term. Do we live in a democracy? You may well ask. An unelected adviser seems to exercise more power than the Prime Minister, and appears unanswerable to people or Parliament....
'We are here. We are here to stay and we will make a difference to our next generation.' Join us in helping to bring reality and decency back by SUBSCRIBING to our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ1Ll1ylCg8U19AhNl-NoTg and SUPPORTING US where you can: Award Winning Independent Citizen Media Needs Your Help. PLEASE...
First this : https://twitter.com/afuahirsch/status/1270331795557486592?s=20 Then this: https://twitter.com/PopulismExpert/status/1270342298539380743?s=20 https://twitter.com/NickFlaks/status/1270351428524150785?s=20 And on it goes.... with one response after another. In fifty years time will the UK be rid of these presenters... and figures of ignorance or will they be just as omnipresent and fatuous? The man is a malignancy on broadcasting which appears to be exactly how...
If we ever needed evidence of the institutional role of the police in protecting criminals whist persecuting the public here it is: https://twitter.com/RedRadicals/status/1269928734863351809?s=20 They just don't get it which is why they are given a uniform and merrily harass those who seek a democracy over a plutocratic state. If they were...
Yet more insightful genius from Jonathan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhyW7NwUm0Q
Just in case anyone comes across any white supremacists... this is from Lee Rigby's family: If you cannot be kind to the victims of institutionalised murder, be silent. Update 10/3/24 Good for Rebecca Rigby, widow of Lee, one of the signatories to an open letter condemning those who boost the far right...
Yesterday's death total for the UK was 359 with the total EU figure standing at 324. For some reason the UK is still extremely vulnerable as are those people who live in Dorset and visit Dorset. https://twitter.com/BBCNewsnight/status/1268304147301965826?s=20 Therefore organisations across Dorset are yet again urging people who are visiting Dorset and...
Dorset Police's Chief Constable James Vaughan has issued a statement to the county's communities following the death of George Floyd in America. He said: "The death of George Floyd has left his family, loved ones and friends devastated and heartbroken. Communities in the United States, here in the United Kingdom...