14.3 C
Friday, September 20, 2024


Perhaps all UK politicians really still believe that the wising up public still have 'gullible idiots' tattooed across their foreheads. Perhaps many MPs do not think they will be jobhunting after the next election....big error. Perhaps even Mr. Walter may hopefully be seen at the Jobcentre filliing in the...
Michael Gove's agent assaults constituency member Douglas James
Dead snake could be largest ever!
On the night of the 17/9/2013, 34 year old Pavlos Fyssas, a Greek anti-fascist activist and rapper was ambushed by about 40 members of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn (GD) gang after leaving a cafe in Keratsini, a working class neighbourhood in Athens. He was stabbed twice while police officers stood by...
The Southbank Undercroft is one of the few remaining authentic spaces left in Central London.  Whilst the rest of the South Bank of the Thames evolved into a combination of over-priced restaurants and boring middle class arts venues, the Southbank Undercroft became colonised by skate boarders, BMX riders and...


Who said it won't happen here? Who said it can't happen here? Who knows it WILL happen here? On 1st August, the European Dictatorship Parliament voted through legislation which now makes it perfectly legal for all and any savings to be robbed from ANY account as and when the banks feel like...
A survey has revealed that a staggering 74% of homeowners do not call a locksmith to change the locks when they move into a new property, potentially leaving them vulnerable to break-ins by someone who obtained a key during the previous ownership.   Survey participants were asked if they had...
What is Peace if not an end to war and want?Peace is not Peace when your fellow countrymen are being deliberately targeted by vicious policy from our own government. Peace is not Peace when your fellow citizens are being victimised by unscrupulous politicians for their own right wing agenda’s....
Last Friday evening I walked down Cumhuriyet Street in the Śisli district of Istanbul. It was, unsurprisingly in a city of 14 million, very busy. I passed through the crowds, mostly young and in many ways indistinguishable from their European counterparts. As the road bends and becomes Tarlabasi Street...
Both sides in the Syrian conflict are responsible for war crimes and they should stop their playful quibbling at once, make up, shake hands and make friends make friends never ever break friends says our Chief Diplomatic Correspondent Charles Saatchi As the Syrian civil war drags on into its third summer,...