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Thursday, September 19, 2024
It’s very obvious why David Cameron doesn’t want to implement the Leveson recommendations. Whatever he says about wanting to protect the freedom of the press, his motives are anything but altruistic. As I understand them, Lord Justice Leveson’s recommendations appear to protect the press from government control and undue...

The Crisis Facing Britain

The crisis facing Britain today is not austerity, austerity is the result of a much greater crisis which is ongoing. It is a crisis that was created by the wealthiest people and institutions in the country and the world. The ongoing crisis we face is the neoliberal agenda to...
Local officials and activists in Spain staged Robin Hood-style supermarket sweeps in what they say are symbolic gestures to confront the crisis affecting families in the recession-hit country suffering the effects of austerity measures. On Tuesday, mayor of the municipality of Marinaleda in Andalusia, Juan Manuel Sánchez Gordillo, joined...
Whether this man is dead or not is irrelevant. He is on the street and others are dying. Whether it be this man or another or another every tragedy could have been avoided. How bad do things have to get before the cruelty that this country now represents, not...
The Tory right, friends of chancellor George Osborne, are now arguing openly that they want Britain's living and working standards to meet Asia's. There was something of a storm last week after it emerged that a group of Tory MPs close to George Osbourne claim in a new book that...
Self-regulation of the press isn't working, as Lord Justice Leveson has conceded.  But while his proposals would certainly be an improvement on the status quo, providing the new regulatory body has sufficient resources to do investigations and deliver prompt judgements, like many I feel uneasy with the suggestion that self-regulation...
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting to retake the northern Syrian city of Manbij from the Islamic State have apprehended militants fleeing the city disguised as civilians, some even in women’s clothing. “As you see, today we caught 10 of them dressed as women,” said an SDF soldier in...
A quick update.  Following the largest #NHS march in history a Tory councillor tweeted this message (see inset) which received over 2000 replies and forced her to take down her twitter account. Her wet apology and crying to a sympathetic newspaper did her no favours either.  Her account made...
Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the silence. I have covered four presidential campaigns, starting with 1968; I was with Robert Kennedy when he was shot and I saw his assassin, preparing to kill him. It was a baptism in the American...
In one of the most articulate and confident examples of dealing with part of Murdoch's propaganda machine John Rees handles Sky News' Adam Boulton magnificently. As Boulton attempts to undermine both Rees, Stop the War and Jeremy Corbyn John confidently, calmly and with great clarity explains every point.  ...