18.1 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
No matter what your opinions of Trump or Clinton one thing is a fact. The one with the most votes lost and the one with the least votes won. Electoral college or not this is US democracy for you. The one that they spend hundreds of billions of dollars...
Dorset Eye considers that democracy is not well served by media bias. It is is even less well served by politicians from a partisan political position then deciding upon the content of a daily newspaper. It then becomes ludicrous when that same politician already has constituents and is a...
FRIDAY The “cool” Greek Autumn, 24 – 36 degrees C! Easy to see why most political activity stops in July to August, with temperatures in the 40s! Though this year, even the heat was not enough to blunt the people’s anger.   In Zakynthos, in the Ionian Islands, tourism...
Dorset Eye is supporting and taking part in Live Below the Poverty Line a fundraising campaign which challenges people to live below the poverty line for 5 days. Could you live off just £1 a day for food for 5 days? The challenge is tough but gives participants a unique glimpse...
Clue: We are told their economic mire has a lot to do with laziness.   EU ALL 37.4 FT 41.6 Austria 37.8 43.7 Belgium 36.9 41.7 Bulgaria 40.9 41.3 Cyprus 40.0 42.1 Czech Republic 41.2 42.3 Denmark 33.8 39.1 Estonia 38.6 40.8 Finland 37.4 40.3 France 38.0 41.1 Germany 35.6 42.0 Greece 42.2 43.7 Hungary 39.4 40.6 Ireland 35.0 39.7 Italy 37.6 40.5 Latvia 39.2 40.8 Lithuania 38.3 39.7 Luxembourg 37.0 40.5 Malta 38.8 41.4 Netherlands 30.5 40.9 Poland 40.6 42.2 Portugal 39.1 42.3 Romania 40.5 41.0 Slovakia 40.5 41.5 Slovenia 39.6 41.8 Spain 38.4 41.6 Sweden 36.5 40.9 UK 36.3 42.7 Yes that's it: Greece. According to the ONS (2011) taking all employment and averaging it the people of Greece work 6 hours a week longer than the people of the UK. The Netherlands work on...
An overview of racist attacks and convictions over the last two months. A couple of weeks ago David Cameron said he was ‘disturbed’ to hear that the proposed building of a small mosque in his Witney constituency had been cancelled as a result of racist threats to burn it...
RISING UP - PEACEFUL DIRECT ACTIONS ON NOVEMBER 19TH https://compassionate-revolution.net/…/rising-staygrounded-…(They are looking for 200 volunteers - please spread the word!)  I am genuinely gutted at the almost total reporting black-out by the BBC on the massive CO2 consequences of Heathrow Expansion in most of their online coverage... Take Laura Kuennsberg,...
The corporate media have published/announced (what ever you want to call it) that Dennis Skinner voted with the Tories and against Jeremy Corbyn's leadership on the issue of the power grab. Why? It is simply untrue as Hansard proves. Is this yet more incompetence from the corporate stooges? Is...
So the Greek parliament has submitted to the Troika ‘fiscal waterboarding’ and agreed to the terms of a new ‘bailout’ program that will tie the Greek economy to the rule of the Euro institutions and the IMF for at least three years.  And will mean that the majority of...
Dead snake could be largest ever!