15.7 C
Thursday, September 19, 2024
The government has failed to meet its commitment to ensure that people with a learning disability are supported to return to their communities from units like Winterbourne View.  The deadline for making this happen – as outlined in the government’s final response to the Winterbourne View scandal in December...
The morning after the night before ... now I've sobered up (not sure if Suggs has yet) I've added an edit to my day. I hope you all read it and I hope it tells you of the love and respect I have for every single one of you. Keep...
Thank you for welcoming me to JP Morgan here in Bournemouth. When you think about where to give a speech on culture and ethics and the future of British banking, the offices of one of the world’s largest American investment banks may seem like an odd choice of venue....
Read article Reasons for optimism A weak pound made British products cheaper, helping exporters. A powerful stock market rally boosted confidence . Unemployment rises have been smaller than forecast. Markets have welcomed Coalition efforts to tackle the deficit. Reasons for pessimism The Government has embarked on savage public spending cuts that...
Over 300 people have been killed in the collapse of a building in Bangladesh which housed garment factories making clothes for Primark, Matalan, Mango and other major brands. Take action now and demand these UK high street brands to take responsibility for this tragedy by paying full compensation to the...
...We should remember there are others tools in the kitbag besides legislation. A more effective and focused workforce can be achieved through improved management, leadership and control rather than through broad-brush laws that could be used incorrectly by the unscrupulous or otherwise in an unintended way. Read article
Lambeth Council leader Steve Reed’s comprehensive victory in last night's Croydon North by-election gave the Co-operative Party its highest ever total of sponsored MPs at Westminster. Standing as the Labour/Co-op candidate in the election caused by the death of popular former MP Malcolm Wicks, Mr Reed took almost 65...
Clue: We are told their economic mire has a lot to do with laziness.   EU ALL 37.4 FT 41.6 Austria 37.8 43.7 Belgium 36.9 41.7 Bulgaria 40.9 41.3 Cyprus 40.0 42.1 Czech Republic 41.2 42.3 Denmark 33.8 39.1 Estonia 38.6 40.8 Finland 37.4 40.3 France 38.0 41.1 Germany 35.6 42.0 Greece 42.2 43.7 Hungary 39.4 40.6 Ireland 35.0 39.7 Italy 37.6 40.5 Latvia 39.2 40.8 Lithuania 38.3 39.7 Luxembourg 37.0 40.5 Malta 38.8 41.4 Netherlands 30.5 40.9 Poland 40.6 42.2 Portugal 39.1 42.3 Romania 40.5 41.0 Slovakia 40.5 41.5 Slovenia 39.6 41.8 Spain 38.4 41.6 Sweden 36.5 40.9 UK 36.3 42.7 Yes that's it: Greece. According to the ONS (2011) taking all employment and averaging it the people of Greece work 6 hours a week longer than the people of the UK. The Netherlands work on...
“The Big 4 accountancy firms have been quizzed this morning by MPs, and have admitted to promoting tax dodging. The hypocrisy of this is staggering – the government has given hundreds of millions of pounds to the Big 4 accountancy firms in public sector contracts, and has allowed these...


Who said it won't happen here? Who said it can't happen here? Who knows it WILL happen here? On 1st August, the European Dictatorship Parliament voted through legislation which now makes it perfectly legal for all and any savings to be robbed from ANY account as and when the banks feel like...