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Thursday, September 19, 2024
By Sila Sazak; Giota Mitta; Dawid Pekalski; Mirjam Lifbroer and Sonia Devji The French elections this April could significantly influence the future of the European Union. On the 23rd of April Marine Le Pen is expected to win the first round of the elections for the far-right, anti-immigration National Front....
If you genuinely desire to understand the topic then this debate is a must watch and then hopefully the invocation of discussion/debate. 'In this episode of Head to Head, Mehdi Hasan challenges Sir Paul Collier, the former head of Development Research at the World Bank, author of Exodus: Immigration and Multiculturalism, and professor...
It can seem glib to compare the current era to the 1930s. There are parallels, with the rise of nationalism and the free press under attack, but we are a long way away from Nazi-style totalitarianism returning to the West. Nonetheless today’s journalists can learn much from the way our predecessors...

Trump is a Fraud

Whether or not Trump keeps his promises is beside the point. Approximately half of the voters of the country doesn't expect him to honour his word, or to do anything honest, noble, useful or public spirited. The other half doesn't care what Trump does, so long as he makes...
I am not a big fan of Westminster or of Trump but I salute John Bercow for standing up to the reptile that is Donald. Watch as the Tories sit motionless whilst the rest of those present applaud. Always the litmus test for the level of narcissism and destructiveness....

The Road to Trump and Brexit

Part 1 A century ago, the UK was dominated by the Liberal and Conservative parties. Both of which were political constructions of the rich designed to benefit the rich. However, following electoral reforms that allowed more British men and, later, women, to get the vote the independent Labour Movement arose...
Dissecting arguments of hate and intolerance are relatively easy with a little homework. Here James O'Brien does just this and more and counters the codswallop being used to excuse Donald Trump's appeal to rednecks.  "Why these countries, why this list? "I'll give you, off the top of my...
Facebook is updating its “trending” feature to favour verified news stories and counter fake news. The changes will see the social media site’s trending list consisting of topics being covered by several publishers, rather than focusing on subjects drawing the biggest crowds of people sharing or commenting on posts....
According to The Guardian: 'A 63-year-old grandfather is Tasered by police outside his home in Bristol on Saturday after officers apparently mistook him for a wanted man. Judah Adunbi, a race relations champion, has previously sat on groups working to improve links between the force and the black community....
I’m quite an experienced marcher for a shy and well-behaved old girl. I began as a teenager with CND and Christian CND and since then I’ve felt compelled to support protests about climate change and/or peace, including the 2 million-strong demonstration against the Iraq War and the huge march...