13.9 C
Sunday, October 6, 2024
The stereotypical picture of local councils is that they are dominated by men, those the wrong side of fifty and the retired: “male, pale and stale”, as they are often dismissed. In this case, it turns out the stereotype is perfectly accurate: around three-quarters of local councillors are male;...
Conservative MEPs Julie Girling and Anthea McIntyre have congratulated the National Farmers Union for backing the remain campaign in the EU referendum.They said the decision showed "good sense and good leadership".They spoke out after the union, which represents 55,000 farmers across England and Wales, threw its weight behind the...
South West MEP Julie Girling today welcomed research showing the benefits Europe brings to the region through its universities and colleges.Mrs Girling, who strongly supports the campaign for the UK remain in the European Union, said: "We benefit from membership at all sorts of levels, but this shows how...
South West MEP Julie Girling today welcomed a trade-press report that leaving the EU would not automatically make life better for British fishermen and seafood companies.She spoke out after the industry publication Undercurrent reported that "Brexit" would not necessarily free up UK fishing quotas or mean autonomy for the...
Does arming Saudi Arabia make us safer? Is it okay to help bomb civilians in Yemen if it supports jobs in the UK? Whenever we raise concerns about the use of UK-made weapons we’re confronted with the same myths: that arms sales and military intervention are in the national...
The agreement to remove sanitary towels and tampons from VAT has been greeted by South West MEP Julie Girling as a victory for common sense and the power of negotiation. Mrs Girling, Conservative spokesman on equality and women's rights in the European Parliament, said: "This tax should never have...
The South West MEP and European Conservative Leader Ashley Fox has welcomed a deal reached to remove women’s sanitary products from VAT. The issue was first raised in March last year by Mr Fox who questioned why the EU Commission had not zero-rated the products (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+WQ+E-2015-005214+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=en). Mr Fox said, “These...


The People's Assembly are set to mobilise tens of thousands for a major demonstration in London following George Osborne's Budget for the rich, as his plans included cuts to support for disabled people while giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy. There was very little good news in the Budget...
Britain's interests will be best served by remaining in the European Union believes Ashley Fox, leader of Conservative MEPs at the European Parliament. Announcing he will be campaigning for an IN vote at the forthcoming referendum, Mr Fox said the Prime Minister's  successful renegotiation had improved the UK's terms of...
Dear Mr Cameron, We, the British public, believe in the right to choose our future in Europe and more options means more choice. This IN/OUT decision should be non-partisan it shouldn’t matter which side of the political scale a person sits on, left leg, right leg, it really doesn’t...